jeez I don't think I would want to be an EA customer service support person. That sounds hellish.
sounds like he had a cool collection though!
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![]() On 03/17/2013 at 08:22 AM by leeradical42 ![]() See More From This User » |
Well this weekend I met my wifes freind and her husband is an online tech support for ea games so me being very upset over EA involvment in games as of late i unleashed my anger mainly on the Tiger Woods games asking him how ea could put out a game that you cant get a 100% complete acheivments and have to buy dlc to get a 100% completion on acheivements and he explained which he agreed was wrong,then he proceeded to tell me about the worse launch in EAs history Sim City and how he was awake for 3 days trying to get the game going and i ask him why did they decide it to be online only and he replied in concept that the whole sim city world is interconnected and that each city provides you with the basics to start your city which he said was a cool sounding concept but failed miserabily,and that they were almost going to recall it but they said the reason for the bad launch was because the devs switched servers and did bother to let the servers know,which in turn caused a horrible launch,and since he gets boxes of EA games he told me he woukd give me a copy of Tiger Woods 14 and a complete set of the need for speed games which I think was awesom,and after seeing his collection of games I was astoneshed its freaking huge,and im so jelouse, hes gat ps1 games unopened and ps2 and 3 games unopened and to top it off he showed me a one of a kind copy of FFVII which really blew me away,so needless to say i had an awesome time yapping with him about games,and why they took NBA live off the market and its an interesting story thst i will share with you all at a later time.
Being EA's "tech support guru" must be a nightmare. I don't really blame tech support for EA's Sim City debacle. The higher ups calling the shots should have realized right from the get go there were not going to be nearly enough servers to gurantee a smooth experience for a game that absolutely has to be online. That's just common sense.
I bet the tech support peeps even warned their bosses & the developer this kind of shit would happen yet they were not heard over the bad techno music,private jet engines, cocaine snorting, and "adult entertainment". lol. (I'm being a bit snarky and hyperbolic here. For all I know EA's private parties are as uneventful as an 8 year old's birthday celebration at Chucky Cheese's)
Live and learn,EA. Otherwise you're going to lose it all.
Yea he even admitted that they warned against the release but like everything else they dont listen and he said he knew when he found out they switched servers and didnt let EAs servers know they all said pull the game but well as you can see they didnt and it ended up and I quote from my freind the biggest F Up in EAs history.