So you want to play something on that shiny PS4, but notice that the system really does not have a lot going for it yet. Batman isn't until summer, Metal Gear won't hit until the summer drought ends, and who knows when we'll get Uncharted 4? Then you hear all those people loving Bloodborne and wonder if you should take the plunge. The Souls games intimidated you, but dammit, your PS4 must be played and you want quality!
Well, fear not, for I have just beaten the game and now have some tips and help for you! You can beat this game! You can get past the first boss! You can keep playing your PS4 without wanting to throw your controller! Here is my advice for what to do with this game.
1. Stamina is your best stat
More health and higher damage output seem really attractive, I know. But, stamina is better than both of these. See, most enemies usually won't strike back until you're out of it and done with a combo. The longer your combos, however, the more hits you can get in with a dodge once you're close to out if it still has a significant amount of health. Plus, the more you can dodge, the better your chances of survival. I'm not saying to ignore the other stats, but this should be your highest one. And while we're on leveling....
2. Keep it simple stupid
You see that arcane stat? Ignore that. Try it if you replay, but until you get to a certain point in the game where you have weapons and items that can take advantage of it, the stat is useless. Focus on stats you can use early on is a better strategy and when you're at the point where you can use that stat, you're probably too much in the groove of things to want to give it a try.
This also applies to weapons. Go for the simple saw cleaver and stick with that. Upgrade it. The thing has great damage output and excellent reach in one of its two forms with quick, strong strikes in the other. You'll find another good weapon to switch to eventually, but using that is an excellent strategy to success.

This is well into the game and he's still using the saw cleaver. That's how good it is.
3. Don't Hoard Blood Echoes
Blood echoes work as both experience and currency. These things are numerous, yet extremely valuable and dying causes you to lose them with only one shot to recover them. If you get a lot of them, spend them. Level up, buy potions, bullets, equipment, repair your current equipment. You could lose them anyways, so why hoard?
This also ties into an item called the Bold Hunter's Mask. This item transports you back to a checkpoint with all of your echoes untouched. If you are trapped in an unfavorable situation and don't feel you can escape, don't risk it. Use that item, buy another at the graveyard, and go back to try it again. It's not worth it. Even if you're at a boss, give it a try. You'll probably die there on your first shot anyways.
4. Grind in the sewer

This place: Awesome
After you beat the first boss, the path to the second will lead you through a sewer. This place is the perfect place to grind for one reason: Enemies drop health potions like crazy. So not only will you get good experience and level up well for the second boss here, you'll be able to hoard a ton of potions. And when you run low, grind here again (until the forest becomes easy, as this is an even better place to grind).

This place: Also Awesome
Grinding here will serve a dual purpose as you can practice dodging, shooting at the right time, and how to approach swarms of enemies in a more controlled environment. Take advantage of it, get some levels in, hone your skills, and grab some much needed potions.
5. Ask Your Friends for Help
If you've seen someone from your friends list play this game on PSN before, shoot them questions. Ask for help. Maybe even summon them to throw some extra damage. They get this game is hard. They were once in your shoes, either in this game or one of the Souls games. They get what it's like to feel helpless here and they'll try to help you get through it too so you can have fun just like them. Because this game is hard. It's intimidating. And there's nothing wrong with needing someone to pick you up, answer your questions, or take care of that mob of dicks who keep swarming you.

Seriously, this guy is a dick
I learned this the hard way. If you find yourself against this thing, go back to number three on this list and get the hell out of there from a safe spot before it's too late. Do not attempt to fight it. You will fail. And hitting it more just makes it more aggressive, making it harder to get away. There is a part later that will bring you back to it full circle, when you will be better equipped for it. All it does is unlock Chalice Dungeons, and really, you can just get to those later. This thing is tough as nails, will use all of your antidotes, and will frustrate the fuck out of you. DON'T FIGHT IT UNTIL YOU'RE AT LEVEL 50!!!
Because if you can just ignore this thing, you're set once you get to the forest. You know how to play Bloodborne. There will be tough bosses, huge swarms of enemies, and all kinds of other obstacles ahead. But you can beat them. You'll have grasped the controls and mechanics You'll have faced the game's other challenges head on and you're good enough to beat it. You can do it! Now go give Bloodborne a shot! Or at least a rental.