Lost Odyssey for 2 bucks? Score! Also Klonoa in any format is a great game. I have MH Freedom Unite too and it looks pretty cool from what I've played.
March 2015 Recap
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Games Beaten
-Resogun (PS4) (PS+)
Resogun is basically a fancy version of Defender and that's okay. Defender is a classic. Simply getting through the levels is simple enough—shoot everything—but saving humans and getting a high score provide plenty of depth. Three very different ships, not to mention the ship editor, provide plenty of variety. I'm not into the crazy difficulty on the higher levels but I'm sure some people love that, and it does get old after a while. But there's a lot of good fun to be had here.
-Shovel Knight (Wii U)
Shovel Knight is like playing an NES game but without all the baggage of '80s game design. The sprite work is gorgeous and the music is super catchy. The controls are spot on and the levels are challenging without becoming frustrating. There are lots of secrets to find too. The game is just plain fun. It's so sincere in what it does that I can't help but love it. Instant classic.
Games Bought
March was an amazingly slow month for game purchases, and that's a good thing. The first game was Resistance: Burning Skies, my second physical Vita game. I now have the entire Resistance series...but have played only some of the co-op stuff in Resistance 2. The next game was Lost Odyssey (360), a game I was always on the fence about, but finding it in great condition for $2 made up my mind for me lol. The last one was the original PS1 version of Klonoa, which I nabbed during one of Sony's flash sales for 96 cents. If that isn't impusle buy pricing, I don't know what is.
But do I have time to play Lost Odyssey? What a silly question
Then, of course, there were the month's PS+ games. Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty (PS4) is probably the most interesting to me (haven't played an Oddworld game since the '90s), that or Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PS4), though adventure games have always been less of my thing. CounterSpy (PS4/PS3/Vita) looks good too. I was never very interested in Papo & Yo (PS3) but honestly I'm surprised it took this long to come to PS+. Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments (PS3) is redundant for me because I already have it on PS4 (where it's prettier). Lastly, OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood (PS4/Vita) is...some sort of 2D skateboarding game? I'm very interested in that one, as you can tell.
Now Playing
-Strider (PS4) (PS+)
This is a pretty cool little game. It's a metroidvania rather than a level-based affair and a pretty breezy one at that. Getting ready to head off to the final area.
-Donkey Kong Contry: Tropical Freeze (Wii U)
This game continues to impress. We're at the boss of world 4, which consisted mostly of water leveling, incluing one that had a ginormous angry octopus. Good stuff.
-Destiny (PS4)
I'd been playing this on the PS3 with my brother but he got a PS4 halfway through the month and so we switched over to that. It looks soooooo much better on PS4.
-Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP)
In the second tier of the G-level quests and starting on a new set of armor. Gonna be fighting a lot of dragons.