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So Many Devices, So Little Time

On 04/08/2015 at 04:29 PM by mothman

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Now that I've added a Surface Pro 3 and an iPad Mini 3 to my stable of computing devices I think I have all the bases covered.

It's funny switching back and forth between two versions of Android, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and iOS and getting confused over the different touch gestures on each.

So far the iPad mini hasn't sucked as badly as I thought it would. I can do most of what I need to do without too much trouble. I'm writing this on it right now but I made it easier by attaching a Bluetooth keyboard.

I didn't actually connect the keyboard for this, I was forced to connect it because the copy of Valiant Hearts I downloaded from the App Store would not start without my Apple ID and password and since the virtual keyboard refused to appear for this purpose I had no other choice.

I also updated to Android 5.01 on my Note 4 today and attempted to install Office 2016 on my Surface Pro 3 but so far it crashes every time I try to start Word.

So I've been all busy with new stuff. I also "Purchased" all of the PSN+ games today, even the PS4 stuff. There's always slim chance I can afford one someday so why not.

Anyway back to seeing what I can do to this iPad thingy. 



Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/08/2015 at 07:42 PM

the iPad is cool, man. I know you hate apple, justifiably so in some respects.  But their products ain't all bad.  


04/08/2015 at 09:48 PM

Yeah I'm writing this on it right now. I was reading my library book on it earlier. The mini 3 is a good size for that application and the screen res is nice too. The shape of the screen bugs me a bit for some reason.I'm still having trouble with downloading pdfs though.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/08/2015 at 10:38 PM

yeah the mini is a great size.  And light.  

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/08/2015 at 10:57 PM

Actually, since you hate Apple and Microsoft, which IT hardware and software developers do you like for personal computers again? I know I've asked this before ...


04/09/2015 at 09:36 AM

For personal computers both companies are necessary evils. I hate Apple but not their computer operating system which is Unix underneath their custom user interface. Mac OS X and iOS are two totally different OSs though. 

Windows is what most of us are stuck with for one reason or another.

Linux is a nice stable OS but too many variants and while I've used it on a personal computer many times it's not for muggles. :)

Apple's hardware is way overpriced for what you get. People try to say it's because of the build quality but other than on the surface that's not true either. I know many people who's Macs have failed in the first year and my daughter has had her Macbook Pro repaired 4 times.

In terms of other hardware I don't really care. Whatever works


04/09/2015 at 02:31 AM

I saw this five year old today holding an iPad like it was part of him. These kids are takin' to this new tech right away.


04/09/2015 at 10:16 AM

They're so expensive and parents treat them like toys. For a 5 year old it's basically just a replacement for television. 

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