This is seriously only Dev Blog #2!? Man, talk about dropping the ball... So, yeah, last time I wrote one of these PixlCross was truly in its infancy. To say it's come a long way since then would truly be an understatement. We're coming fairly close to putting a bow on the game and have entered our heavy testing period where we are soliciting feedback from friends and making changes accordingly. Which is kind of crazy.
Since I really failed to keep up on this dev blog as we developed, I think it makes more sense to release a series of blogs detailing some of the major milestones along the way and what it took to get there. Here's an agenda of blogs I'd like to write on and with any amount of luck, I'll knock them down one-by-one until we're current.
- To Solve a Nonogram
- I've Made a Huge Mistake
- Out of Control
- A Picture's Worth 1,000 Words
- U Want to Release a Game?
It's kind of staggering looking back on where we started and where we're at now. It's been a VERY long road with A LOT of long hours. I'll be perfectly honest in saying that this has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride of an experience. While Chessa and I are totally excited to be approaching the finish line, I think we're both pretty happy that it's nearly done.
If I've learned nothing more, it's that game development is hard, especially when it's done in the margins of your life. Even building something as simple as a Nonogram game, the effort involved has been absolutely tremendous. What's even crazier is that there's still a mountain of stuff to accomplish, including the final submission to Nintendo, the eShop page, the eManual, marketing and PR, the Steam Greenlight campaign, and god only knows what else. Thankfully I've got a PS4 and Bloodborne now to help calm my nerves and relax in the off hours...
For now, I'll leave you with a gif that does an ok job of showing off the game in motion.

- Nick