Curious about Neverwinter. When I get an XBO, I might try it.
It's been a while Pixlbit but I'm back!
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![]() On 04/20/2015 at 09:00 PM by MrUniverse_ ![]() See More From This User » |
Hello fellow citizens of Pixlbit. School has been piling me with a whole bunch of homework so I haven't had the time to write on here. Over the weeks I've purchased a few things that I may not recall. So I'll try to remember.
LEGO- A few weeks ago Xbox had a sale with the LEGO games. I played a few of them before but never really owned them so I thought this would be the perfect time to buy them. I already own LEGO Batman 3 and all the games were on sale so I just ended up buying Marvel, The Movie and Hobbit.
Bloodborne- I was debating on buying this game because I read forums after forums for a few days about the game and people were saying it was easier than Dark Souls 2. So luckily I found a used copy on launch week and I tried it out. I actually like it a lot better than the Souls games. To me it seemed easier until the bosses. The bosses in this game are just brutal. I eventually got stuck and returned the game. I'll buy it when it goes on sale.
Skylanders Swap Force- Last year Gamestop had this on sale for cheap and I passed on it because I didn't want to burn a hole in my wallet like I did with Disney Infinity 1.0 and 2.0. But the price was $13.97 and I have a friend who works there so he gave me his discount. I also found out that they recently started to sell pre-owned figures for a while. Guess I never paid any attention. So I bought a couple of them. I think it's better than Disney Infinity. And that's from someone who loves Disney.
Wolfenstein- I found out through CAG that the game was on clearance. I waited a few weeks to see if the price would ever change and it did. So I bought it at $11.98. Project Spark was also that price but I passed on it because it was basically Xbox's version of LBP and I never create levels in those type of games. Just play other people's creations. And Xbox One has a free version so if I would've bought the disc version, it would've been a waste of money to me because it just comes with a physical disc of the game and a starter pack DLC.
LittleBigPlanet Vita- Target had a big blowout clearance sale on Vita games and this was one of them listed. I wanted to wait for this game to drop down in price but the quantity my local store had started to get lower. When I checked again for the game, there was only one left so I had to get it before someone took it.
Uncharted Golden Abyss- Another game on clearance at Target. This was one of the games Playsttion Plus had for free for a while so I never got to buying the physical version. Once I saw this on clearance I knew it was the time to get it and take it off my memory card.
The rest of the Vita games- Smart As, Resistance Burning Skies, Soul Sacrifice, Playstation All Stars Battle Royale, Reality Fighters. I didn't want to make this any longer so I just wanted to list the rest of the games.
Recently I picked up a few other Vita games to try out. Except for one because I've played it before and own the digital version but wanted it off my memory card.
Criminal GIrls Invite Only- I was interested in this game from listening to opinions that the Playstation Blogcast discussed on this game. Luckily I found a used copy of this.
Persona 4 Golden- I bought this game a few weeks ago on sale through the PSN store because it was $3. Couldn't pass up that deal but I wanted to get the physical version so I can clear some space. It hasn't gone on sale for the longest time so I just settled with it and bought it used.
Dynasty Warriors 8 Xtreme Legends Complete Edition- I bought the Vita version because I also found this used. I played a few hours into the PS4 version last year. I forgot why I didn't keep the used copy for that but the Vita version is just the same. Graphics are a little different but they're pretty good and I figured I would put a lot of hours into this game.
Spy Hunter- I think this was one of the launch games for the Vita or maybe a year later. I remember playing the Spy Hunter games on the PS2. I heard this game was alright. I've played a few levels and I'm liking it so far.
So there's my list. I've also been putting in a lot of time into the Xbox One version of Neverwinter. What an amazing game!
Another thing, even though it's not video game related, I just finished watching the first season of Daredevil on Netflix and holy crap is it a good show! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is a Marvel fan. Even if you're not, this show is great!
So as Truman would say, In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night Pixlbit! And happy gaming!