I would love to see this one. I also love Elfman and have since Oingo Boingo.
I'm Alive! - An Age of Ultron Impression
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![]() On 04/28/2015 at 03:08 PM by V4Viewtiful ![]() See More From This User » |
Hey folks, I've been away for a while but I've been a ghost on the sight. Blame work.
Due to staff leaving they pulled me in for extra hours and I haven't the time or energy to blog, i'll get my regular shifts soon so I'll keep you updated, I've got a huge back log of comics to get through your throats, I've watched almost all my Favourite Anime movies (some twice). and I've almost finished Virtues Last Reward (that game, geez).
So lets get my impressions of this years Blockbuster Marvel epic. Spoiler 3
Short Version - It's sooo much better than the first and I loved it. See it by any means!
Long Version - I know Whedon became less enthused in this sequel but in my opinion t doesn't show that often. This was a dense intense, joyful and well crafted experience.
The music is some of Danny Elfman's best, when I saw the credits i was like "wait, this was his work?" it's not that I think he's bad but his music tends to have little personality at times but here? I could very much identify the melody and it complimented each scene giving the movie more character. Gregory Porter's Liquid Spirit is played as one of those liscense music plugs like Season in MOS but less obscure, which brings us one of the best Stan Lee cameos ever.
The plot is again simple but AI trying to destroy the world while teamates fight eachother, many say it's cliche but at least this time it's not of their own character flaws that outrightly caused it. It actualy contains many plot threads and little stories between characters, and everyone gets a decent if not very good amount of screen time. On that note of plot threads, this movie is littered with references and plugs for other characters movies and in movie plot developments, Like that scene with Thor's hammer which seemingly was just for fun, however there are references to Infinity War, Black Panther, Civil War and Ragnarok. Things only fans would outright identify. The funny thing is even though the heroes caused the problem given the nature of the main villain and hydra he would have happened regardless but in a different form or name. I only say this because Stark wasn't really liked much in the country there where in in the first action scenes so if people find out where Ultron came from it would be an element towards the Civil War movie.
The opening scene though a bit of cheese with the heroes momentarily lined up is still frikkin amazing in motion and well choreographed... till we get to the final scene and it's better than the first movie, it's like a less scary Terminator movie but with superheroes. However the fighting scenes as a whole was well composed showing off every ones talents, familiarity with each other and teamwork. My older brother who's a Hulk fan will love the Hulk Buster fight till it's finished, but during it's quite thrilling.
The Villains are good, It's a shame one had to go but the rest was cool, Klaw a BP villain played by Andy Serkis, though I never imagined what he would sound like he does give the guy a cool "voice" and I can't wait to see him in the next movie. Strucker I would have liked to see more of. Ultron is odd for me, though he's possibly the best Marvel villain after Loki, I didn't like always being aware this was "James Spader", people feel that way with Stark but understand they're both very much the same saying that Ultron being created by Iron Man share many character traits so it all works, Just for me I suppose I wanted a less human less familiar enemy.
The heroes as a whole are wonderful, Idris as Hiemdhall has a little scene which I liked, War Machine though has good scenes and shows his capabilities it urks me a little how he feels and is played as almost a second Banana, he isn't but the implication is both funny and conflicting. I was a little worried at first that this movie was going to feel like Iron Man & His Friends but everyone has there time to shine. My favourite character was Quicksilver though, he was so much fun to watch. Vision could have used more screen time to develop but then his joke at the end would have lost a little something (it was a good one too), the way he earns their trust is problematic for some but inthe context on the nature of his powersource and intentions I can handle it plus it was a scene everyone laughed at because of an earlier scene. And if the viewing public could find that funny, it seems well done.
A Superhero movie should be fun and the Heroes are having fun, that's what I like to see in these types of movies that even in the darkest hours there's some joy, this film has more running jokes than the last but I see it as everyone being comfortable unlike how uncomfortable everything was in MO--nooo! We aren't going there. It may not be as "Deep" for some but it doesn't miss the mark in entertainment, visual engagement and full characters.
Watch it, it's worth every penny.
Oh I saw a version of the Mad Max movie. Ooooooooooooooooooooh my flippin god that was insane!
That's it for now, it took too much energy to do even THIS, i'm going to finish off a game and read some new comics