I was just thinking the other day about this. Maybe its better on ps4 i dunNo. But being able to filter per system would be great.
Dear Sony, About That Download List
On 04/29/2015 at 04:55 PM by mothman See More From This User » |
Why can't I filter or edit the damn thing?
I have 885 items on my list and yes there are a lot of games on there.
The trouble is there are also old issues of QOR, demos and assorted crap I'm no longer interested in. How hard would it be to let me sort it in alphabetical order, by genre, filter out demos and the like or heaven forbid let me delete things from the list.
OK, maybe not let me delete full games because I might do something stupid and delete something by accident but the rest of the shit can go.
Currently the only way I have to know exactly what I've got on that list is to go through it page by page and write down the name of every full game on there or download every stinking one of them to a hard drive that can hold them all i.e. not mine and probably to big to be supported by my PS3.
Oh yeah and while you're at it please stop flagging all of my PSN+ games as being purchased on the day I renew my subscription. That's really annoying too.
Here endeth the rant.