I couldn't really afford it but I just have too much money invested in gasmes for the thing to leave it.
I got the bundle with Lego Batman 3 and digital Sly Collection plus at EBgames this weekend they were throwing in Call of Duty Ghosts Hardened Edition which I won't be touching with a 10 foot pole but free is free and I might be able to get a couple of bucks for it.
I see there is a Flash Sale going on on PS3 but the only thing I might consider is Mass Effect Trilogy for $4.80. I have everything else I want. I've heard that Mass Effect for PS3 is pretty messed up though so I'll probably leave it.
Anyway, we're at my mum and dad's for the weekend. It's Victoria Day long weekend so no work tomorrow either.
I'll be spending some time tomorrow setting up the new PS3, taking the 500 GB out of it and putting in my 750 GB. I'm going to try to sell the 500 GB through work for 40 bucks. Selling it through Amazon the shipping would kill me.
Same with Call of Doody Goats. I pity the idiots who dropped $110 for it when it retails for $20 now pretty much anywhere. COD games are like sports games. Worthless the minute they leave the store.
How is your weekend going Pixlbitallion?