Welcome aboard to the Pixlbit crew you beautiful bastard aussie :P
Blake is Pixlbit Now!
On 05/29/2015 at 02:09 AM by Blake Turner See More From This User » |
It's true. I am now a member of the glorious pixlbit master race, a part of the elite secret society that rule over the rest of you peasants. For those of you who don't know what a peasant is, they used to be the poor and downtrodden members of society who were ruled over by a dominant power. Or, for a more modern definition of the word: a Russian.
In less insane and bigoted terms: I am now a member of pixlbit staff. Nick, I hope you realise what you're doing, because you just hired this guy:
Be afraid. Be very afraid! And slightly aroused...
So what does this mean for you? Well, it means more Blake. It also means more people on Staff who are hopelessly obsessed with From Software, to the point we might as well change the name to pixl souls. It means you get both my well constructed think pieces and my not so well constructed descents into madness and rant territory. Now they won't be separate!
On a more serious note though: just because I left plus10damage.com does not mean you should stop reading their stuff. Joe, an awesome member of this community still writes for them, and they're all great guys. Personally I'd recommend keeping up with David, Bryan, and Josh, all of whom are great writers. Matt and Steve host an awesome website that I'll continue to support, and the fault of our parting was entirely my own.
Finally, I want to thank the glorious gods of pixlbit for allowing me a space to post my thoughts, and for harbouring such a wonderful community. I look forward to contributing to it in a more official capacity, and I hope to not tarnish the great name of this site more than I already have.
Blake out.