Sorry about the job situation. Don't give up on yourself. If it's one thing that I hate about job recruiters is that they don't even bother to send an email or call you up to say "No, Thanks", so you end up waiting the whole week after by the fucking phone. What a bunch of dicks!
As for reading, I'm reading the first Witcher Novel which is pretty great. I recommend if you enjoy the game.
As for games, I'm playing Witcher 3 as well and Pillars of Eternity too.
Update For End Of May
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![]() On 05/31/2015 at 05:54 PM by Nicoleb1989 ![]() See More From This User » |
Well my job situation is exactly what I feared. I haven't been called with work in 2 weeks. However I have had one possible job pop up. If everything went good on Friday I should receive a call monday. I'm hoping beyond anything I get a call. I've been putting in more apps but nothing has come of them. I appreciate the comments on my last blog greatly. I'm sorry I haven't replied yet, I've been trying to stay busy and keep my mind from wandering to worry. I actually haven't been on since my last post except once to see what everyone was doing. Glad to see life returning some to here. Well other then job searching I've been reading like crazy and playing video games on and off.
Recent Reads
Assassins Apprentice by Robin Hobb- I started this awhile back but just now recently finished it. It's about a young man named Fritz born a bastard into royalty however he is hated by many in the royal family. His Grandfather King Shrewd though sees a weapon, one that he can use himself or his enemies can and decides to have the young man trained as an Assassin for the royal family. The book covers many events during his upbringing from him being delivered to the royal family to his teenage years in which is when his training really starts. It was really good. I loved a lot of the characters and even the main character while I had my love/hate moments with him I did in the end like him and want to continue his journey. There were a few characters I feel didnt get their just deserves but thats how it goes. I got the sequel Royal Assassin which I might start after my current book.
Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf by Curtis Jobling-This was a great first novel in the Wereworld series. However I will it is considered YA but I think its a bit too dark to be YA. I have found that several others share that same opinion. Anyway the book is about a young man named Drew. He was raised by a farmer who was a former knight in the wolfguard and his mother a former maid to the same royal family. However events I won't say *spoilers* happen and they settle to farm life. Drew after a horrible night in which a monster kills his mother is thrown into the world he was supposed to be raised in originally. He finds he has the ability to change into a werewolf and that there are others that can change into other animals like bears, boars, stags, etc. Worse yet the now King Leopold wants him dead since his true heritage is one he tried to snuff out but failed. The book was a excellent read, very few mistakes in the writing and the language is very decent. Can't think of one time a curse word was used. The characters were well likable and the villains made you wanna gut them repeatedly. Recommended for sure.
Currently Reading
Redwall by Brain Jacques - I originally wanted to read this series as a teenager. However I only read 2 of the books and those 2 were out of complete order. I'm now challenging myself to read them in order now.
Witcher 3- I'm in love with this game, it is everything I'd hoped and I'll probably play it for the next several months. There is soo much to do!
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia- Dan got into a mood to play old castlevania games and I guess it rubbed off because now I'm trying to get through this DS title on my 3DS. It's pretty fun but I'm stuck on a boss at the lighthouse. I think I almost have it beat.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate- yup, still playing it. Trying to conquer more of the guide quest since I'm far in Caravan quest. I've made new armor since my last post. I'm gonna try to post it on here soon.
That about sums up everything. I hope all of yall are well and things are good.