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Random update 5-31-15

On 05/31/2015 at 10:14 PM by Ranger1

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Where does the time go?! There really aren't enough hours in the day for work and all my hobbies and interests. And there'll be less time this week than most. I'm headed to Kentucky early Friday morning for my nephew's graduation. We'll be coming back the next day, so quick trip, but it will be so worth it. Many of you former 1uppers have been reading about Bean's and my adventures for years, and now he's all grown up. Thursday I head to my sister's in NH, where I'll spend the night before heading to the airport in Boston in the early AM. On the way, I'm stopping at a friend's house to do some odd jobs for her that she isn't physically able to do (climb ladders and change lightbulbs, mostly) and also some mechanical stuff.

Playing: Just finished Lego Batman 2. I 100%ed it and I have one achievement left. It's the play a level in co-op achievement, so I'll invite Michael over to play a level with me and I'll have all 1000 cheevos. I think I'm going for Arkham City next while I'm still kind of in Batman mode.

Reading: not much, I'm ashamed to say. Too tired, usually. I did borrow a book from Jason: In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien. I like his writing a lot. His book The Things They Carried is one of my favorite books. I also have several mysteries by a guy named Arthur Upfield about a half-Aborigine detective named Napoleon Bonaparte that my friend Linn loaned me.

Watching: Finally watched Chinatown. I can see why it's a classic. Now I have to find The Two Jakes and watch that. Finished off the reboot Hawaii Five-O and went back to the original. I think I'm on season 8 of that. Also been watching a BBC series called Death in Paradise about an uptight London cop who gets sent to an island in the Caribbean. It's pretty funny. I also watched a movie called How I live Now. Not impressed with that one.

Listening: mostly to the weather radio, lol.

Other stuff: Still running. After a two month hiatus, I started the Couch to 5K all over again. I just started week 4. Still liking it.

Work is busy. I'm on restricted duty, though. We have an infestation of Browntail moth caterpillars and the toxic little bastards make me break out in the nastiest, painful, itchy, oozy rash. It's frustrating, because I look around and see everything that needs to be done and I can't do any of it. Hopefully the cold wet weather we're currently experiencing will help knock their numbers down a little.

The spring wildflower extravaganza is still in full swing. I do enjoy that, and I have new Americorps people to train in plant ID.

Our main pair of osprey may no longer be a pair. The male's been missing for over a week, causing the female to have to fish for herself, which leaves the eggs unincubated. I don't think they'll hatch at this point. Kind of sad, but at the same time, they are wild, and he is (or was) pretty old. They've been paired since 2003, and he was the mate of the previous female to use that nest. The other pair nearby seem to be doing great, though.

Well, Pixlbit Nation, I think my supper may finally be ready. Time for dinner, another episode of Death in Paradise, and then sleep.



Casey Curran Staff Writer

05/31/2015 at 11:58 PM

Arkham City's a good game, but not as great as the original. Open world doesn't really work, story's a bit too unfocused, and stealth areas aren't as well designed. But the combat and stealth are still really fun and it has one of the best boss fights I've ever played in a game.


06/01/2015 at 06:19 AM

I actually started it a couple of months ago and got distracted by Tales of Xillia 2.


06/01/2015 at 01:07 AM

That caterpillar and its moth form both look kinda beautiful in their own way. The irritation from the hairs sounds awful though, I have pretty sensitive skin and have had really nasty rashes in the past. In the information on the caterpillar it also says that inhaling the hairs can lead to serious respiratory probelms for some folks which is scary. The skin problems would be bad enough but if you enhaled some of the hairs and couldn't breath as well, that sounds like a nightmare! Not that the two would happen simultaneously, I imagine the respiratory issue would be almost immediate, and a rash might happen later if you had contact with it and were sensitive to it.


06/01/2015 at 06:17 AM

Oh, no, the rash is pretty instantaneous, and painful. And itchy. And really gross. The respiratory bit is more rare. I have very mild exercise-induced asthma and have never had the respiratory problems. The rash, on the other hand, I get every single time the evil little things are a problem. I've already had it three times in the last week (and we're still in the early stages of the infestation). I keep a total change of clothing at the park, along with shower stuff and a tube of Cortisone-10. I've had it badly enough in the past that I've missed work and had to go to the doctor.


06/01/2015 at 02:38 AM

Plant ID! Cool! 


06/01/2015 at 06:17 AM

Photos on my FB page, John.


06/01/2015 at 02:33 PM

Now there's a question I've been meaning to ask. How does one find you on FB?


06/01/2015 at 06:15 PM

I'll shoot you a friend invite, Peter.


06/01/2015 at 08:01 PM



06/01/2015 at 08:15 PM

Couldn't friend you, but I sent a message. Check your "other" inbox. Unless there is more than one Peter Atherton in London, Ontario...


06/02/2015 at 07:48 AM

There shouldn't be but I have no messages of any kind on FB right now.


06/02/2015 at 08:21 AM

K found it. Friend request sent.


06/01/2015 at 02:21 PM

There are a lot of caterpillars here in Maryland. One of my co-workers is absolutely creeped out by them.


06/01/2015 at 08:16 PM

I don't mind most caterpillars, but ones that cause rashes I do. My boss and one other co-worker get the respiratory issues from the hairs.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/01/2015 at 09:22 PM

Dont let anyone fool u.  Two jakes is the perfect epilogue. Saw it in the theater. One of those films i bond with my dad with.

congrat on your nephew. Crazy how kids age faster than us adults.  :-)


06/02/2015 at 12:41 AM

Jason said The Two Jakes was really good, too.

Thanks, I'm so proud of him!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/02/2015 at 05:21 AM

it has my favorite quote of any movie.  once you've watched it, I'll tell you. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/03/2015 at 03:10 AM

Hope you feel better.

I really need to get back into exercise/dieting/reading, but I've mostly been taking it easy and just filling out applications.


06/03/2015 at 01:08 PM

Hope you feel better Mrs country the perks of being a outdoors person huh!!

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