You remind me of a game I need for Wii. No More Heroes.
Top 10 Bosses of 7th Gen
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![]() On 06/01/2015 at 01:57 AM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
Despite what your opinions are of the seventh console generation as a whole, I think we can agree that it was a pretty weak time for boss fights. The games released seemed to not be suited as well to boss fights as the past ones, which resulted in either bossless games (Call of Duty) or incredibly lame ones (take your pick from the Uncharted trilogy). However, that's not to say the generation did not have its share of epic fights. So here's my pick of the best of the gen.
Honorable Mentions:
Vanquish/Bayonetta- I know these two games had awesome boss fights. I remember having fun with them. I just can't remember any of them.
GLaDOs (Portal)
Big Daddy (Bioshock)
10.Team Plasma Leaders N/Ghetsis (Pokemon Black/White)
Black and White, for all its faults, finally did what the series should have done a long time ago: Combine the Elite 4 climax with the Team climax. But not just that, it has you capture the Legendary Dragon right before it, pit you against a trainer with the other Legendary Dragon, then you have to take on the insanely high leveled final boss. Now that's how you end a Pokemon game.
9. Your Clone (Mass Effect 3 Citadel)
What makes this boss so great is that you're fighting yourself. Vanguard Shepard? Then the two of you will teleport all around the ship. Adept? Prepare for a biotic battle. Engineer? Your drones will be going after each other. Plus there's some pretty great jokes cracked.
8. Poseiden (God of War 3)
Kevin Butler says it best.
7. Bad Girl (No More Heroes)
No More Heroes was an awesome game if you love yourself a good boss fight. And the second to last really hit it out of the park-literally. She's a lolita girl who spends all of her time cloning sex slaves so she can bash their heads with a baseball bat. And when you deal enough damage to her, she'll chug a flask, spit on her bat, then light the thing on fire. Suda 51, why can't you be this awesome anymore?
6. Death/Dracula (Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin)
While Portrait of Ruin is probably the worst of the DS Castlevanias, it was still a solid title with the best ending to it. Rather than have Death and Dracula stay as separate fights, you take on these two at once. And it is freaking epic.
5, Steven Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising)
Everything about this fight is so ridiculous. The character is ridiculous. The way the mechanics are altered is ridiculous. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Metal Gear Rising was an awesome game and ending it here, though out of place, somehow felt so perfect.
4. Omega Ridley (Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)
While Corruption overall feels like a watered down version of the original Prime game, there's no denying that it had the best Ridley fight in the series. Ridley's full of his usual tricks and treats you to both a fight while freefalling thousands of feet and a later one when you're both at your absolute peak in the game. Metroid has always been a gold mine for great bosses, and Corruption is no exception. Even Other M ended with a great one (though the less said about its Ridley fight the better.
3. Mr. Freeze (Batman: Arkham City)
What happens when you deconstruct every Zelda boss ever? Why you get Mr. Freeze from Arkham City! The boss plays similar to the average Zelda boss: You look for a weakness and use your gadgets to exploit it then kick the crap out of him. The difference here, however, is Mr. Freeze adapts every time you exploit one. Hide under vents? He'll fill them with ice. Stealth attack him? He'll make it so you'll get shocked if you try that again. Picking apart each weakness he has was an absolute blast and a brilliant way to make a stealth boss fight work.
And even though I think the game is overall a piece of crap, I do need to give an honorable mention to Deathstroke from Arkham Origins. That was a really well executed one on one fight and I hope Rocksteady took notes there for Arkham Knight (and ONLY there mind you)
2. Dragonslayer Ornstein and Executioner Smough (Dark Souls)
If you filled your own boss list of nothing but Dark Souls bosses......I would probably think how you aren't a fan of the series of my number one pick. BUT you'd still have a pretty damn great and accurate list of last gen. And as my number one, I have to go with Ornstein and Smough.
These two double team you, adding a twist of not just knowing a boss' attack patterns, but also where the other guy is and what attack he's going for. But that's not all! Once you finally take out one of these guys, the other absorbs his power in what would be an incredibly difficult boss even if you didn't go through the preceding fight. No matter who you kill first, you're still screwed.
1. Liquid Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid 4)
And really, who else could it be? This boss takes the idea of the final boss from MGS1 and gives the controls polish to make that great concept really stand out on the PS3. But even that's not enough. It pays homage to the entire MGS series, changing the music and HUD to reflect whatever game you're playing. It's not just a great boss fight, it's one that celebrates everything great about the Metal Gear Solid series. For all the issues this game has, it knew how to end perfectly (well, kind of).