Looking at some cheaper PC builds, I found one on Amazon that may fit what you need for just a little over $150. Nothing flashy, but if you don't need flashy, it looks like it'll take care of everything you'd need a PC for.
Cap N's Log #1
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![]() On 06/08/2015 at 12:26 AM by Captain N ![]() See More From This User » |
Updates and stuff
Hello Pixlbit, long no see. Hope you're all well. It's been a while since my last post, so I thought I'd give an update on upcoming posts I'm planning to do and recent going ons. Oh, and from now on, and update blog will be titled "Cap N's Log", so if you see one, you know what it is. Well, lets get started...
First off, E3, it's right around the corner and I'm excited. Mostly for Nintendo like I am for every year. Not to say I'm looking forward to non-Nintendo things, but seeing as most 3rd-party games are are now mostly X1/PS4 stuff, then there really isn't any point now. I'm excited for other games, but I don't have a "current gen console" right now. It might even be a while till I get either a PS4 or X1. Anyway, there's been alot of speculation with Nintendo's E3 stuff, I haven't read any rumored announcements, but the recent micro Nintendo Direct said the E3 Nintendo Direct will focus on games for the rest of 2015 and early 2016. I'll have a post on wishlist and predictions like I do every year, as well as more Nintendo stuff, hopefully posted before their presentation.
I've also been catching up on games on the "New" 3DS XL. I've been alternating between Pokemon Omega Ruby, Xenoblade, Animal Crossing, and Smash 3DS. I've also been playing some of my other 3DS games to see how they are for that New 3DS impressions post I talked about a while back. I'll see if that will be posted soon. The only game I'm afraid to touch is Kid Icarus: Uprising cause my older 3DS Circle Pad started to act up the more I played it. Gonna have to be more careful this time around. I also redownloaded beat Metroid Fusion for the first time. I enjoyed it alot but I think I can see why some people hate it. Not sure if I'll have an impressions post on it, depends if I'm Really Feeling It.
Now for amiibo figures. The Amiibo Farm posts will continue as I've added a few more to my shelf. That's all for this.
Mystery Gifts will also be back, with a part 2 of the Wind Waker one I did a long time ago, and hopefully with something new that I pre-ordered a while back, but got delayed. It should arrive sometime this month, hopefully.
I've also been working on some art that I think I want to sell as a custom tee. Not sure what or how to go on that last part, but the art isn't done yet anyway. I'll post some images of the art I have in mind when I finish some of them.
Finally, games I'm playing. Besides New 3DS stuff, I've been playing console stuff too. I went back to Forza 2 a while back, but stopped after a few days cause I'm afraid it'll overheat, especially when the weather is random like it has been lately. I've also recently gone back to Red Dead Redemption. I just had an itch to pick it up again, and I've been enjoying it. Mostly been doing sidequest stuff, and I've unlocked a few trophies as well. I think I may go for the platinum, but the only thing that will prevent me is the online ones. Don't care for the dlc ones. I've also played Borderlands recently and am really close to the platinum trophy. The only trophies I needed were the level 50 and 51 I think. The problem is that it's a huge grind and takes a while for you to level up, as enemies don't give out as much xp when you're at a high enough level. I took a break from it with RDR.
I've also been playing on the Wii U, mostly Mario Kart 8 with the new dlc that was out a while ago and Smash Wii U. Very fun stuff. There will also be a Smash blog before E3 as well. I also wanted to buy the Nindie bundle thing, but I don't have 10 bucks on my debit card to get all the games they have. Sucks too because I've been wanting to try those games.
Also, my pc looks like it's showing its age. I don't know what's wrong, it losses internet connection every 5 minutes. In other words, I have 5 minutes to do everything I want, like lets say post something here, and after those 5 minutes, I'm screwed and have to restart it again and the cycle of 5 minutes repeats itself. Pressing the reset button on my router doesn't help either, it restores the connection to the computer, but it's the same result as if I restart it. I thought it was my connection, but the previous pc I had never lost connection and was older. I had this one for a year now, and wonder why it does that. It's the reason why I haven't posted anything in a while. Infact, I made this whole post on the New 3DS web browser. I need a new pc, nothing too flashy but something that might meet my needs as my brother and I are working on a project. Mr. Snee knows what it is though, so maybe he might have an idea on a good pc, but I'm open to anyones suggestions.
And that's about it for now I think. What have you been up to? Thanks for reading and later.