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Weekend Gaming

On 06/08/2015 at 08:58 AM by mothman

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Happy Monday Pixlbitallion, here's what I did on the weekend.

Finally got my 750 GB drive working in the new PS3, not because it was difficult but because I was just too lazy to do it. The process took about 20 minutes altogether.

Unfortunately the backup I made of the 500 GB that only had 5 games on it would not restore to the new drive. The restore got to 5% done then failed. When it rebooted it rebuilt the database but what I wound up with is was something that looked like a successful restore but was not.

All the downloaded games looked like they were there but clicking on them locked the PS3 up. Ditto for the store. I wound up reformatting the disk and starting from scratch meaning I lost about 12 GBs of downloaded games and my game saves.

We are in a bandwidth emergency situation once again at my house. We have 18 GB left on our cap with 10 days to go. This meant I could not even try a PS3 game for fear it would need a multi GB download before I could play it.

Legend of Legaia

So I decided to go retro and play Legend of Legaia. I got about 3/4 of the way through the game many years ago and stopped. I have no idea why because I love this game. The battle system is really original and it's a lot of fun to play.

Fire Emblem Awakening

I'm still playing Xenoblade but I'm trying to do all the requests so I decided to break it up with something. I had Soul Hackers and Fire Emblem Awakening on deck and decided to go with FE. I made it all the way to chapter 8 plus I've cleared the first 3 paralogues. This is as far as I've ever reached in the game. I'm playing on the easiest settings and still have to play some battles more than once to complete the objectives and not lose anyone. 

Yes I know that on Normal I don't lose anyone permanently but I still restart if someone dies. In one battle I made it all the way down to one enemy left and then lost Chrom. That's an automatic game over no matter what your settings.

Eldritch Palmer 

I've been neglecting my reading lately but finally got back to The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. I'm 58% done now. It's a very surreal book but since it is about psychedelic drugs that allow people to experience alternate realities that is to be expected. 

We had to take our tortie to the vet again on the weekend. She was unable to poop again and they had to flush her out. We've had to do this 3 times in the last 10 months. The expense is killing me.

So that was my weekend. How was yours? 



Matt Snee Staff Writer

06/08/2015 at 11:18 AM

Palmer Eldritch is a FUCKED UP book, man!  

Chris Y convinced me to buy Legend of Legaia, but I didn't get very far in it.  The music is amazing though, and I really liked it, just would prefer if it was on a handheld.  

I hope your cat feels better.  Frown


06/08/2015 at 12:02 PM

Now that I'm a fair way into the book I'm really enjoying it. It has funny moments and a crazy story. The fucked up parts are mainly related to the Chew-Z and Can-D related "trips" 

I'm not sure Legaia will ever come out on PSN so I strongly suggest playing it on your console. Back in my day we didn't have no handheld Sony systems so we played Legaia on the television and we liked it! Goddam whippersnappers. *spits*

Super Step Contributing Writer

06/08/2015 at 12:22 PM

Torties gotta tort.


06/08/2015 at 12:57 PM

Yes they do.


06/08/2015 at 06:08 PM

Hope your kitty feels better. I need to make a vet appt for Kaylee - she's had runny poo for more than a couple of days and isn't acting like her normal inquisitive self. I really don't have the $ for this right nolw. Sigh.

My weekend? Let's see... spent too much time on planes and in airports, ate too much crappy fast food, missed seeing American Pharoah become the first Triple Crown winner since Affirmed won it in 1978 (I think I was stretched out on the floor napping in the Charlotte, NC airport at the time), but I did get to see my nephew graduate Friday night, which made it all worthwhile.


06/08/2015 at 06:24 PM

She seems much better. Little bugger just jumped up on the table and started rubbing her face all over my Surface Pro. On the vet's advice we got her some stool softener that we mix in with a tablespoon of soft food. She seems ok with it.

Hope your kitty is ok too. I heard the news about American Pharoah. Didn't see the race though. Saw your pic on FB about your nephew. Good stuff!


06/08/2015 at 06:31 PM

Yeah, pretty proud of the kid. Glad I made the trip - only people there for him were me, my sister, and my ex-brother-in-law. The nickname Bean comes from when he was a toddler and he did something incredibly cute and clever and I said "Aren't you Auntie's clever little bean!" and he replied with much enthusiasm "yeah!" And then he proceeded to tell everyone else who tried to call him Bean that that was Aunnie Aunnie's name for him and they couldn't use it.


06/08/2015 at 08:56 PM

I remember playing Legend of Legaia. Couldn't stop laughing when you explained to Noa what a pimp was in the bar.

Can't say I blame you for choosing the easiest settings. I actually regret picking classic, with all the time I put into my units. Everytime one dies I reboot the game before the character hits dirt. Also, good luck when you reach Endgame and unlock The Radiant Hero Paralogue.


06/08/2015 at 09:01 PM

I like FE but sometimes it feels like a lot of work. I particularly hate it when you get down to the boss and he somehow zips over to your weakest character and one shots them.

The things you have to explain to Noa are pretty funny but whaddya want? She was raised by a wolf.


06/09/2015 at 01:28 AM

Wolf, more or less.

And yeah, the boss going to the weakest character can be annoying though I'm sure everyone has taken shots at easy targets once or twice in their life.


06/09/2015 at 11:18 AM

Sorry about your Tortie. Hope the little fella is feeling better. 

Glad to read that the PS3 HD swap was somewhat painless except for not getting all your content on there. 

The weekend was good. Did my usual of checking out a couple of spots, bought some new music, and snapped some pictures. 


06/09/2015 at 11:50 AM

She is feeling much better now. We're feeding her a fibre supplement in hopes of stopping it from happening again.

I look forward to seeing your pictures.


06/10/2015 at 03:49 AM

What's up with that new PS3 hard drive? I've had two games mess up on me now on PS3. My Xbox 360 seemes to crash over other stuff like trying to stream movies or youtube. Guess these consoles aren't error proof like I thought.


06/11/2015 at 01:03 AM

I've been also neglecting my reading. Luckily, since it's holiday time and i've got no university work, i've been slowly picking up comics and soon enough books.

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