So you've read the title and are thinking about murdering my face for suggesting that we clone a video game. God forbid we clone a game when we could just make sequel after sequel of it. But here's the thing: licenses are tricky, and sometimes the games we want are on godawful consoles we don't want to buy. So without further ado, lets look at some games that should absolutely be cloned.
Metroid Prime

Why has no one done this before? Why isn't there a game like Metroid out on a console other than a Nintendo owned one? Why don't we see that kind of atmosphere and exploration in first person games? Seriously guys, even if you only make it half as good as Metroid Prime I'll still buy the shit out of it.
So Timesplitters 4 got cancelled a while ago. That's a shame, since the fps multiplayer scene seems to favour reality over fun at the moment. Timesplitters could fix that. The Timesplitters games were all fantastic, featuring insanely varied singleplayer campaigns that took you all through time and space to give you fun setpieces. When you finished the campaign, you had challenges to do, and arcade modes which let you unlock more modes for single player and multiplayer, more characters, and more weapons. It was insane value for your buck, and even more fun. More please.
Resident Evil Remake

I recently played through the Resident Evil Remake, and it blew me away all over again. In gaming's attempts to become bigger and more epic, we seem to have forgotten how effective intimacy can be.
Resident Evil is tight, it wastes no space, and it forces you to become intimately aquainted with it's horrific design. Hell, even if you forget copying it's tension building expertise, please, just take note of its level design. It's utterly fantastic.
Although, I would love horror games to include combat again. I love/hate Amnesia: The Dark Descent as much as the next guy, but I miss my Silent Hills and Old School Resident Evils.
Shadow of the Collossus

Like Metroid Prime, I've never quite played anything like Shadow of the Collossus, and it's a shame, because the gameplay Shadow of the Collossus offers is so engaging and captivating I could play it again and again.
What I want is the sense of wonder. The atmosphere. The immaculate boss fights. The minimalis storytelling. Yes I know I just described Dark Souls to a tee, but I want it to be a bit closer.
S.W.A.T. 4
Whatever happened to the tactical FPS? I remember with great fondness titles like Rainbow 6 and Ghost Recon doing their awesome thing and people not being able to get enough. Now no one gives a shit. Now, we are getting a new Rainbow 6, and hopefully it's awesome. But that's not enough for me. I want SWAT. I want the tension of trying not to kill people. Of trying to apprehend people without my entire squad dying.
Also, I want someone to recreate the Fairfax level, because it's probably one of the creepiest levels of any game I've played.