I hadn't seen Farscape, but better than Firefly? Oh, come now. That just can not be.
Relapse: Getting back in the Habit
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![]() On 06/17/2015 at 02:38 PM by V4Viewtiful ![]() See More From This User » |
Ooh Wee! I've been away for a while.
I've been busy working 5 days a week spending most of my time sleeping, not much has happened to me (not a complaint) But there's been quite a bit going on in the nerd Zeitgiest.
I'll break it down for you.
Virtues Last Reward
This games was intense, I hated the final puzzle but learning how it linked to the first game is insane. It clearly has a sequel in mind but I could never have guessed that the entire plot is to save the world (at least in the form we are presented with), It's a very "out there" but well devised plot, the characters manages to stay relatively natural, but the clues that slowly filter through and if you played 999 you get a "Holy Smokes" moment or two. I had fun.
I bought this a little while ago (I'll tell you the reason soon), I haven't played it yet but I will.
Unfortunately I haven't played any new games () I was planning to get Splatoon but seeing as Batman is going to get DLC up the arse, I may as well put off my new PC and that game. I know I don't have to but I can't not get everything with Batman's Swan Song without a hefty Tower to go along with those glorious graphics.
I was playing a game on the Wii U the other day, a Wii game. And to my confusion I noticed it didn't look as good as I remembered, I played it on the Wii and I noticed a bump in visual quality, not a lot but noticable enough. I was almost stumped so I investigated my Wii as it is right now instead of using the AV or Component cables official to the Wii, I instead use a Wii HDMI converter, I've had it for years (before Xenoblade after around Mario Kart Wii).I'm probably wrong but it seems to me that Wii games on the Wii U are looked at native resolution, the adapter is known to improve the visuals of the Wii games but I just found it odd the Wii U would do the same.
I still suck like no ones business but I don't fall on my face anymore, learning to break your falls are important, it seems. I still can't do a single trick and I went to a ramp the otherday but my legs started shaking like a cheap stripper, a kid tried to encourage me to do some transition but lucky for me it was just the right time to go home.
What didn't happen in pulp fiction?
This is Batman now
After seemingly stabbing eachother to death Batman and Joker are out of the picture and a robot-Bat piloted by Commissioner Gordan in a Bat-robot suit that looks like the tick is protecing gotham.
Sonic and Mega Man are in a Crossover again, but this time they're bringing friends
Yep, that's right, and it's an excuse to buy every friggin cover because why not? Who needs to eat anyway?
Oh, Speaking of Street Fighter
The second volume was released while I went on Hiatus, I haven't read it yet but i'll get there. And I'll share my thoughts.
While we're on the subject of Capcom
As a companion piece to my Wii Okami game I bought this in a sale but haven't even looked in it, But when Okamiden was on sale I decided after I get the sequel I'l finally feast my eyes, and not before
Oh speaking of Japanese art
I'm of the generation that never got to see this in the old Nintendo mag days I've been familiar with Isinamari's extensive work (seriously, man is a record holder) I took a sneak peak at some pages and dude has an eye for detail! Not so much Berserk level (though he was an inspiration) but good eye candy.
Bruce Timm, the guy behind Batman TAS and Justice League has created a warped darker JL cartoon on Netflix with Machinima, I will watch it when All the episodes are released, so far two have gone by.
The Legend of Korra
I finally finished it! The next Avatars going to be interesting, will it be 80s, 90s, 00s or further? (probably 70 and play on Warriors). But it has left the doors more open than Aangs ark, "Do the Thing!" is a ridicoulously inspired catchphrase.
I'm still watching damn near all my Anime movies, I find writing this blog harder than the series, maybe because you watch a series soo often it sticks more in your mind. I've written 4 out of ten, articulating the virtues of each and justifying placements is a challange. But i'll get there, I'll get there...
I've been rewatching Farscape, I forgot how much I loved that show, forget Firely, Battlestar Galactica and Babylon 5. Farscape was the one. Should it get a reboot? In these fickle times anything can be canceled.
That's as much as I can tell for now, i'm still recovering from the Ryu Smash reveal, I'll be downloading that as we speak and in the mean time hopefully I can get some work done