I would have backed the game but $28 USD (about 35 Canadian)is just too much for me right now and that's the lowest tier to actually get the game.
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![]() On 06/11/2015 at 01:33 AM by VisuaLIES ![]() See More From This User » |
So I just backed Koji Igarashi's new game, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night on Kickstarter. I swore to myself I wouldn't do it, not because I don't believe that he'll be committed to finishing the game or that it won't be great, but there is a slight chance that disaster could strike and I'll be out a hundred bucks and get nothing in return. I chose the $100 tier mainly because it came with the Ayami Kojima illustrated slipcase. She is the brilliant artist who did a lot of the designs for Symphony of the Night and some of the other IGA-produced Castlevania games, so I forked over the extra dough to get it. It also included the soundtrack by Michiru Yamane, who also worked on many of the beautiful Castlevania tracks. They, along with IGA himself, are the "holy trinity" behind some of the best Castlevania games, and the fact that they are all involved in this new game is a dream come true--once I visited the Kickstarter page, it was an inevitability that I'd pledge something. In fact, I really wanted the art book from the $150 tier, but I wasn't sure exactly how nice it would be (size, pages, etc.), and I figured if the game was a success, I'd just be able to buy it later. Anyway, hopefully I'll be very happy in 2017 (when the game is scheduled to ship).
In other good news, there's rumors flying around that Sony is finally going to show off The Last Guardian next week. I hope that's true, though I've been disappointed after every Sony E3 press conference for the last 5 years, so I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but the fact that Sony hasn't shot the rumors down is making it hard to not get excited. At least the new Ratchet and Clank game has been revealed, and it looks pretty sweet. Here's hoping that E3 delivers the goods this year.