You can also play PSOne games on VITA which is what I do all the time since it has a sleep button and I can get back to it any time. 3DS is like 2nd to my VITA and maybe iPhone games. You can try Persona 4 Golden now.
Blake Stuff - The Sexy Sexiness of my Sexy, Sexy Vita.
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![]() On 06/21/2015 at 12:15 AM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Guys, I caved. Vita's were getting cheap and I wanted one, so I traded in the 3DS I like never touch because Nintendo and because I'm adult with a penis and it scared me how much I got into Animal Crossing. Idk. I mean I liked my 3DS but games here are ridiculously priced for it. Games always stay around the $60-70 and never come down in price, whereas the Vita sells games for about $30. Plus the playstation store isn't a piece of shit like Nintendos is. It is fucking ludicrously priced like Nintendos store ($22 for Terraria? AND THAT'S DISCOUNTED?!), hey, I guess we can't all be Steam. But I mean come on, you know you're doing something wrong when EA's store has better fucking prices than you do.
Anyway, I got some games for it. I bought the Ratchet and Clank trilogy, Soul Sacrifice, Freedom Wars, and some cool indie games that came with the memory card. So that's Hotline Miami, Velocity Ultra, Limbo, Thomas Was Alone, Cloud God saves the Pilgrims, and some shite no one cares about because they suck. But hey, 5 awesome games for 28 bucks plus a memory card? Can't complain.
Now, the games:
Soul Sacrifice
This game is so fucking Grimdark Joe Abercrombie is suing them for patent infringement. Seriously, this game is fucked up. The first boss is killing your best friend. You have a talking book made of what I assume is human flesh. Everything in this game is either disgusting or just messed up, and it's kind of awesome for it. It's surprisingly well voice acted, and the combat is fluid and interesting. I enjoy how it's all spells and you can take 6 of them in with you. The problem I have with other Monster Hunting games like Monster Hunter and Touikiden is that combat is either super repetitive (Toukiden) or boring as shit (Monster Hunter). In this, most spells play completely differently, so combat has a ton of variety.
The game is a bit repetitive, but since it's supposed to be played in small doses it works.
Ratchet and Clank Trilogy
The games are still great, and they play almost perfectly on Vita. I say almost. There is one glaringly awful design choice here: You have to use the rear fucking touchpad to strafe. That's just stupid, since the thing doesn't even work half the time. The only game that lets you change it is the third one. Yeah, the third one is the only one that lets you mess with contoller configurations.
Can I use this as a chance to say something? EVERY SINGLE GAME ON EVERY SINGLE PLATFORM SHOULD ALLOW YOU TO CHANGE YOUR BUTTON CONFIGURATION. There is literally no excuse for this. I'm not talking about presets either. Every game should allow every function to be mapped to whatever button you desire. If you're a game designer and you don't do this, fuck you. You don't know me. I could have arthritis. I could have leprosy. I could have any number of finger ailments. Or shit, I could just be lazy. You make games, you should cater to lazy fucks like me.
Freedom Wars
I love this game. I've only played about 3-4 hours of it but damn. The gameplay is a little janky at times (the camera sucks) but the ideas are cool. I like that you can spiderman around the place, and you use your spiderman ability to pull down the various monstrosities you find. It's cool.
But the game would be nothing without the theme. The theme of this game is freaking awesome. It's a dystopian future where we've used up most of the worlds resources and now live in these underground bunkers called panopticons. Most panopticons are at war with each other for resources, and every single resource is deemed sacred. Including memory. Since you have amnesia, you have contracted a 1 million year sentence which you have to work off by fighting monsters.
What's cool about this is that random things are against the law and if you break those laws you add to your sentence. When you work a certain amount of years of your sentence you go up in a rung in society. At first, your confined to your cell and you aren't allowed to engage in conversation unless it is about work. You can't sleep while laying down unless you buy a permit. You can't run for more than 5 seconds without buying a permit. You can't talk to members of the opposite sex without a permit. Eventually you can leave your cell, and the hub world is freaking huge. I got lost on a number of occasions.
The cool thing about this progression is that you really feel like you're fighting for something. Every mission you do counts towards your freedom and eventually you'll be able to live a normal life again.
This game is fucking cool, and everyone with a Vita should play it. Fuck Eurogamer for giving it a 5/10.
And she's adorable! I'd have more pics but the bitch won't sit still. Shall have more soon! She is a Border Collie cross Cattle Dog. So she's insanely hyper. But she's cute, and soft, and cuddly, and shut up I am a man! She pisses everywhere though. She spends like 2 hours outside and then comes in and pisses on the carpet. Fucking asshole.