Besides Horror, Sci-Fi is my next fav theme in media etc, and then followed by maybe Fantasy. As far as media goes, I'm pretty happy to be watching Penny Dreadful, Wayward Pines, and Walking Dead whenever it returns. As for Fantasy, well I'm pretty satisfied with new Game of Thrones episodes each week and now I have the glorious Witcher 3 to play through as well as Devil May Cry 4 Special Edt.
I bring Sci Fi up because it seems to be the subject that is missing from gaming, TV, film. Recently the SyFy cable channel, once host to really great Science Fiction shows until it turned to shit, except for maybe Alphas and Warehouse 13, has very quietly returned to Friday Night Science Fiction show line-up, with the third season of Defiance, which I think is actually pretty good and there is a new alien race introduced that look like something out of StarCraft II.
There are also two brand new shows revolving around space that I found to be pretty entertaining. They are more of the "dumb" action oriented sci-fi than the talkie deep thinking sci-fi, but I'll take what I can get. I don't know if it's the lack of decent Science Fiction programming available that makes me accept these shows or if they might be good enough to keep me watching.

One show is called "Dark Matter", which is a crew of space travellers with wiped out memories. The background is more like EVE Online, where there are different corporations in space fighting over planet resources and our crew has to figure out why they're in space, and do military missions along the way. A bit like Firefly and Mass Effect. It's Okay. I'll keep watching to see if the story gets more interesting. Has kind of a low budget, but reminds me of Stargate Universe.
The other new show is "Killjoys", which is a group of three bounty hunters that travel through space tracking down criminals. It is also more action oriented than Dark Matter but they seem to travel around more, and has a more colorful cyberpunk type setting. A bit of a soap opera with lots of gun battles. I quite liked it, but it's like a C+ or B+ show.

I honestly think that Sense8, the new Netflix series by Watchowskis has heavier science fiction matters to think about, but more of a soap opera.
So, what is your state of Science Fiction and where are you getting it from these days?
That Mass Effect 4 trailer at E3 got me thinking...