I actually really like the Batmobile stuff as well as the narrative pace in Arkham Knight. I have always had a hit and miss relationship with the Riddler stuff though. Shit gets tedious quick.
What I've Been Playing
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![]() On 07/01/2015 at 12:12 AM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Just in case you this isn't a site you frequent and just type in a bunch of websites beginning with 'p' to hide your shame (it's called incognito mode, bitch!), I feel I should tell you that I, like everyone else on this site, like to indulge in entertainment of the interactive variety. No not that kind of interactive indulgence! Although... no! That was one time in vegas and the swelling in my nipples didn't go down for months!
I'm talking, of course, about video games. You know, those things that Satan imparted upon the world to teach us all how to 9/11? Yeah, those things. I've been playing them, and since this is a blog all about me (and interactive nipple indulgence), I shall share my thoughts on these wonderful products.
Arkham Knight
This game makes me want to do terrible things to infant elephants. Partly because it's simultaneously both as tantilising as Jesus' jubilent juice giblets, and partly because it sucks harder than the children of parents who follow Jesus' jubilent juice giblets.
Seriously, this game is just awful. But it's amazing. It makes me feel a lot of things. Unfortunately, frustration is key among them. The game starts awesomely. Joker's Cremation is one of the coolest intros of any game ever, and the subsequent scarecrow victim P.O.V. is fantastic.
It's directly after that, however, that things become problematic. Pretty much as soon as you become Batman, you are forced into the batmobile for an hour. Now, before I continue, let me discuss what makes Batman a compelling character. It's his mix of kung fu awesomeness and stealthy badassery. It's his damaged mind that leaves him with a very thin line between his moral compass and that of his enemies. And let me tell you, putting me in a car and asking me to shoot unmanned drones is exactly the fucking opposite of that.
After that I went to seek out the riddler challenges, because they were awesome in the previous two games. Well, it turns out The Riddler has become a fucking fast and furious character, because he constantly asks me to hop in a car and engage in street races. What. The. Fuck. Moreover, his challenges that involve racing to save catwoman FORCE you to drive around the entire track to start again if you fail. Which is a key way to make sure people never want to play your game again.
There are other problems too. There's the fact that the narrative is awfully paced, the gameplay is awfully paced, and the game is ridiculously repetitive, something the previous titles usually avoided. However, when it works, it's amazing. It's just unfortunate that that's only about half the experience.
Sound Shapes
Where has this game been all my life? I love it I love it I love it! A platforming game where you collect items to make the music more complex? Brilliant. Also, every world has a different artist and a different artist and a different composer. If you're an indie game connessuier you're in for a treat, because different albums house visual contributions from Capy Games, Superbrothers, and others, while the music has the likes of Deadmau5 and fucking Beck on it's roster. It's utterly fantastic.
The main game is over pretty quickly, although you unlock a super difficult death mode as well as the tools to create your own levels and music. I tell you I must have lost countless hours to this game on that alone! If you own the game let me know! I've been working on a level fow a while now that's almost complete and is kinda metroidvania-ish in structure.
Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles
Jesus Christ is this game hard! It took a bit of getting used to since it's old school Castlevania and you walk everywhere and have to use up to go up stairs, but good golly gosh is it satisfying! I ended up playing as Maria after I unlocked her so i could run and double jump, and then I forgot the game existed when I UNLOCKED THE ENTIRETY OF SYMPHONY OF THE NIGHT AS AN ADDED BONUS! Seriously, that was like the best discovery ever.
And Symphony of the Night holds up surprisingly well. I mean it is basically 2D Dark Souls in many, many ways. And it's stolen a lot of my time.