I've always been curious about Terry Brooks. He went to my college in the mid 60s. My dad graduated the same college right around the same time too. I wish I could ask him if he knew Mr. Brooks. I don't know how I managed to avoid his books when I was reading fantasy in the 80s. I'm definitely putting that first trilogy of Shannara books on my list to read.
just a nice. normal. BLOG!
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![]() On 07/10/2015 at 10:54 PM by GeminiMan78 ![]() See More From This User » |
Hello Pixlbitians,
Well as I sit with Gremlin cat in lap and a million thoughts in my head, I will try and streamline them into a hopefuly entertaining read, or amusing at least. I took the week off from work to destress, rest, and kind of reset my life. Playing less video games is one of the things I gotta work on. Heresy to say such a thing here I know, but I really spend way too much time with it. But I'm going to be getting out of the house more in the near furture. I'm going to check out a "meet up" at a local Greek restraunte where people get together and play Scrabble. And I have applied to become a Docent at the NO Museum of Art. Basically I will be volunteering to give visitors tours of the museum, or just answering questions, or helping with events.
Destiny is spending a lot less time in the PS3. Yet, I went back to my old flame FF14 Realms Reborn. I have a Lv 33 pugilist and a lv 30 arcanist, but I kind of forgot what I was doing and how to play them. So I started a new character on a new server. I have not played in almost 2 years. So there are new missions, new jobs classes, some stuff has been over hauled. I am playing the new class Rogue with a goal of becoming a Ninja. The Rogue plays similar to a pugilist only more focused on dot and critical. Plus you can steal and become invisable. It is very grindy especially once you hit lv 20, lvling seems to slow down a bit. I may finish out the month and take another break. I have been thinking about jumping back into either Dark Souls, or since I got the FF bug, try and finish Final Fantasy 12. Talk about being lost. I am end game, just hunting down summons monsters, but I have not played that game in maybe 8 or 9 years.
I just saw a minute ago that DC and IDW are doing a TMNT Batman cross-over. Such a great match up. Should have happend sooner yet I'm still suprised that its happening at all. Also MTV, wait! I know MTV is MTV, but for some reason they are getting a TV series based on the Shannara Chonicles books by Terry Brooks. I won't deny I did not care for some of the later books. But the original triology and the Scions books were top knotch, addictive reading. Anyway the trailer looks pretty good, only time will tell.
On the music front I have been listening to a lot of Pandora from my phone. I recently figured out I could shuffle all my stations (SUPER CRAZY!). And yet some songs still get played too often. Hah, first world problems. But money is a little tight so I am avoiding Amazon like the pleague. I have piles of notes with the names of artist and albums I want to buy scribbled all over them. New discoveres of note being Broadcast. They are hard to describe, like Portishead crossed with Stereo Lab, but with a kind of bright sureal 60's psychodelic pop edge. They very much a have their own sound, the lead singer has a lovely voice, plus I like the british accent. Luna is a band I liked in the day but had no idea who they were for the longest. Took me almost 20 years and luck to rediscover them. Main feature of these guys is the super clean guitar melodoies. Some would classify them is nerd rock in the vein of Pavement or Yo La Tengo. And last but not least a DJ by the name of Wax Taylor doing some of the most inventive and progresive intrumental hip hop I have heard in a while. Really cool stuff.
So this chunky monkey of a blog has reached the end. Thank you for reading. Keep cool, Gemini out.