I think "Mad Moxxi's standing ovation" would be something questionable. It's her style.
Mad Moxxi's Standing Ovation
On 07/13/2015 at 10:15 PM by GamerFoxem See More From This User » |
After a six day work week and the first two shifts for this week I’m finally able to relax tonight. Sure I can kick back after work but the only time I can feel more relaxed is when I have the next day off.
So some time ago I took my vinyls out of the box. Before I continue I will restate what my dad told me when he took his out: anything that has been made to be collectable is not really collectable. When I took Mad Moxxi out I had some issues keeping it standing; the weight of its head causes the entire figure to lean forward. I found that the base that came with it is the problem. Since the body is slimmer than the normal figures this one needs a base to prevent falls but either the peg is too small or the hole on the bottom of the left foot is too wide. It came down to a simple fix by stuffing the peg hole so it would wrap about the peg tightly (and that did not sound right all things considered).
I have been knocking around some ideas in my head about a user article and something occurred to me, which I think is worthy to write. The only problem with the topic is that the movie that the idea came from is ten years old.
To end this entry I’m just going to say that I’ve read about Satoru Iwata’s passing. It’s a shame that the gaming community lost him but I can’t believe I overlooked his name in a number of titles I’ve played, especially Metroid Fusion. In any case, rest in peace Satoru Iwata and thank you.
Till next time.