2013: Tomb Raider seems to be the game to get so far.
I've been inactive... Sorry about that.
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![]() On 03/19/2013 at 05:00 PM by Townz90 ![]() See More From This User » |
Oh dear, fell into the trap of not posting in a while. Unfortunately life does sometimes get in the way and I’ve not been as active as I would have liked, as of late! Well where should I start...?
So I guess I’ll start by addressing what has been an absolute horrific start thus far to Community Season 4. The show bears no resemblance to the witty and terrific show Dan Harmon created and nurtured other than cast and setting. A lot of positives can happen from removing the creator from a show, allowing it to breathe and be tackled from a fresh perspective. That hasn’t happened, in fact it seems as if everything that was fresh and appealing about Community has been gutted from the show. Apparently the latest episode is a return to form and a step in the right direction but I haven’t watched it yet and the five episodes prior don’t convince me the season can turn itself around.
The Walking Dead however has been consistently good and sometimes great, I’m really excited as we approach the season finale as to what’s going to happen. For those Comic fans out there throwing their toys out the pram, the show was never going to be as visceral or fresh as the comic (the show is still pretty visceral tbf!) and let’s face it, the comic has been pretty bland in its most recent run - re-treading old storylines, just not as effectively.
Gaming wise I’ve left 360 untouched recently save for the odd FIFA game and have turned to the PC playing some of my favourites. Among these are; Vampire Masquerade: The Bloodlines and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Man those games are fun and so atmospheric! Also re-installed Deus Ex but it seems as I’ve gone shallow, I can’t seem to get past the dated graphics – even with Hi Res mods on. Might just replay Human Revolution instead then...
Since I’ve not posted on the PS4 I’ll try to quickly summarise my thoughts. Basically I’m cautiously optimistic. I really liked what they showed about the system and I feel they’ve genuinely learnt from their past mistakes with the PS3. Microsoft on the other hand need to re-think their strategy quick. Near launch, the 360 definitely had the better service but Sony has turned it around and with Playstation plus have shown what getting our money’s worth really is. Microsoft need to get rid of their subscription model and/or replace it with something with great customer incentive like Playstation plus did. In 2005 people were maybe willing to part with their cash but we’ve wised up, we don’t need to pay to just use our internet anymore we’ll just take our cash elsewhere – I hope.
My take on Sim City you ask? It’s just another example of anti-consumerism from EA. Also stop buying games like this at launch, you knew it was going to have problems. We saw the same shit with Diablo 3 and anyone with half a brain predicted the same fate for Sim City. It’s a shame because it genuinely looks like an absolute class game here’s hoping they implement some kind of offline mode for those who want it.
Also what a great start 2013 gaming wise! So many high scoring games, makes making me choose what to spend my cash on a really daunting task!
Until next time...