Sounds like quite a night! Not in a good way either. I've seen some hail before, but nothing that size. I was in Hurricane Katrina and Rita. It was fun during the storm.... Aterwards, not so much. At least your safe and your house is ok.
Scariest Night of My Life
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![]() On 03/19/2013 at 06:23 PM by GrayHaired ![]() See More From This User » |
Living in South Mississippi I have seen more than my fair share of storms. I have live through Hurricane Camille, Hurricane katrina, a direct hit from a Toranado in 1975, and more near miss tornados than I care to remember. I hate Tornados.
But last night I was scared shiftless. I mean really really scared. I have never expierenced anything like it.
Laying in my new game room ( my daughters old bedroom) I was browsing the web when suddenly it sounded like someone or a lot of someones was on my roof with sledge hammers.
We were having a Hail Storm, now Im not talking about marble size hail, Im talking about
Tennis Ball size hail
This photo is from my neighbor's Facebook page.
It went on and on and on until I actually thought I would go mad from the deafening noise of those freaking ice balls pounding my roof and home.
Another friend posted these photos from the same storm, but it hit his neighborhood earlier during daylight
His yard
His House!
His house again
About 70 miles north in jackson Mississippi they were reporting
Softball size hail...from Pearl MS
I got the above photo from the WLBT TV website. Jackson, MS had two injuries from people trapped in their car and the hail burst through their windshield and hit them in the head.
My three cars have little indentions all over the hood and roof, Luckly my house recieved no visiable damage, I know the roof took a beating but i cant see any damage and hopefully it will hold up during the next rain strom.
My son-in-law's car had a windshiled shattered and a broken tail light, plus they lost power and had to come stay with us for awhile last night.
I can not believe the windows in my house were not broken.
Anyway...I never ,ever in my life want to expierence that again...ever!