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Cary's Summer Movie Checklist 2015

On 08/16/2015 at 01:19 AM by Cary Woodham

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Well another summer is almost over, and I watched a lot of summer movies in theaters this year.  So I thought I’d write a blog with brief impressions on them!  Keep in mind that there MIGHT be some slight spoilers here and there, but I’ll try to keep them to a minimum.  So grab your popcorn and see what I watched this summer!

The Avengers: Age of Ultron

I enjoyed the movie but I don't think it was better than the first, just more of the same.  But the first was a fun action flick so that made this one fun, too.  Although if you showed me a clip from the first movie and a clip from the second, I probably couldn't tell you which one each clip was from.  Kind of like the Lord of the Rings movies.  I don't know who is in charge of the Avengers, whether it be Captain America or Eye Patch Man, but they need to make a new rule.  They need to require all new recruits to the Avengers to wear name tags that say "Hello, my name is..."  That way, I won't have to make up my own names like "Guy Who Goes Fast" or "Girl Who Shoots Red Things."  Also, I kept wanting to call it “Age of Voltron.”  Of course, know that I'm not big into comic books and all my Marvel knowledge comes from Marvel vs.Capcom and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes video games.  Speaking of the Avengers, you've got to go to YouTube and do a search for The Aveggies: Age of Bon Bon.  I liked that better than the movie!

Rifftrax: The Room & Sharknado 2

Some of the folks who used to do Mystery Science Theater 3000 now do something similar without the robot puppets.  Sometimes they have their live shows in theaters and this was one of them.  Oh man, The Room was so painful to watch.  It was like a bad soap opera.  I would never see this without Rifftrax, that’s for sure!  Later on in the summer they showed Sharknado 2.  It’s not as funny since that movie was SUPPOSED to be bad, but I’d rather watch it via Rifftrax than plain ol’ Syfy.

Mad Max: Fury Road

I didn’t really get much into the older Mad Max movies when they came out, because when they were in theaters, I was just a little kid.  And my parents wouldn’t let me see those movies when I was that little.  Of course, they did let me see Gremlins and Ghostbusters.  So I wasn’t as familiar with Mad Max until way later on.  This new one seemed a lot like the others, just a bunch of crazy cars driving out in the desert.  But with modern movie special effects and computer animation, I think they were able to be more imaginative with the cars.  There was a tank car and a porcupine car, and a rock n roll car.  And there was so much action that they didn’t have time to take any breaks.  They didn’t go potty or eat any snacks.  Well, one guy at a bug and Mad Max ate a two headed lizard.  I liked some of the MST3K movie episodes where they made fun of Mad Max ripoffs that were made when that movie was popular.  My favorite was Warrior of the Lost World.  It had a dump truck with spikes that they called Megaweapon, and an annoying talking motorcycle.


And this movie was kind of the opposite of Mad Max.  While it was a dopey kids’ movie, it did kind of have a ‘Gravity Falls’ vibe to it, so that was cool.  Plus, the bad guy’s speech near the end of the movie was really poignant.  Too bad nobody will take it seriously since no one will see this movie.  The message was good, too.  People embrace a bleak, dark, post-apocalyptic zombie future because we don’t have to work hard toward it like we do a more positive future.  I just don’t understand the fascination with dark futures anyway.  I was disappointed there was no Space Mountain in the movie, though.

Jurassic World

This is a perfect example of a typical summer ‘turn off your intelligence’ movie.  It was a fun flick, but I think the plot was written by an 8-year-old.  And if you think the movie was cheesy, wait’ll you play the LEGO Jurassic World game!

Inside Out

Animation-wise, it didn’t look like this was Pixar’s usual groundbreaking stuff.  But the story and humor and themes were very well done.  I bet psychology majors would go nuts over this one.  I foresee many a college paper written about this movie.  The more I think about all the elements in this movie, I think the more I like it.  The plot reminds me of the one found in the video game Klonoa 2.  The two of you who’ve played that game would know what I mean.


I think the Minions movie wins the award for the most over-marketed movie of the summer!  We have Minions Twinkies, Minions Applesauce, Minions Build-A-Bear, Minions Happy Meals, Minions paper towels, even freaking Minions cereal!  The movie itself, like the Despicable Me movies before it, aren’t all that great, but they’re still entertaining and those Minions are just so gosh darn cute.  Even if they are a ripoff of Servebots.  Man, a Servebot movie would be neat.  Get on that, Capcom!


Yet another Marvel movie.  It was fun and entertaining even if I didn’t know who any of the characters were.  But that’s OK, usually I don’t.  I liked the main lady character in the movie, too, she was neat.  I think Ant-Man’s next nemesis should be called The Aardvark.  You know, like the Pink Panther Ant and the Aardvark cartoons?  If you haven’t seen the movie yet, make sure to stay for both of the end credit scenes.  They didn’t mean much to me since I don’t know a lot about Marvel stuff, but I’m sure they’re more meaningful for all you Marvel fans out there.  I bet Ant-Man WON’T be a character in the next Marvel vs. Capcom!


So yeah, just like everyone on the Internet and Rifftrax has said, this movie has the exact same plot as that one episode of Futurama.  But Futurama did that idea way better and funnier.  However, maybe it’s just my high tolerance to bad movies from all those years of watching MST3K, but I didn’t think it was AS bad as everyone else says it is.  Now, it wasn’t very good either, but still.  Maybe people didn’t like it because it makes fun of gamer stereotypes?  Well, to that I say, lighten up people!  Whatever happened to the phrase “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?”  Surely us gamers can take a joke at our own expense.  We have no right to make fun of others if that’s the case.  Actually I think the main problem with Pixels is that they showed too much of the funny stuff in the previews.  So sure the movie is bad, but if you want to go see it, I’m not going to discourage you.  You know I’d have to go see it regardless to see how they treated my boy Pac-Man.  Speaking of which, I wonder how the creator of Pac-Man, Toru Iwatani, would feel about an actor portraying him in a movie?  I guess if I had to say one positive thing about Pixels, is that maybe it’ll raise awareness of classic arcade games.  I know Dave & Busters has commercials on TV now advertising Pac-Man Battle Royale.  But if you do want to see a better classic video game movie, might I recommend Wreck-It Ralph?

Shaun the Sheep: The Movie

I’m a huge fan of Aardman Animation.  I took a clay animation class once so I know how difficult it is to do what they do!  I love how Shaun the Sheep is a spin-off of Wallace and Gromit, and that Timmy Time is a spin-off of Shaun the Sheep.  That’s how awesome Wallace and Gromit is, it has spin-offs of spin-offs!  Anyway, if you’ve seen the Shaun the Sheep shorts, you know what to expect here.  It may not be as good as Chicken Run or the Wallace and Gromit movie, but it is still very cute and you can take the whole family to see it.

Movies I Missed

And those are the movies I saw this summer.  There were a few I missed, but that’s OK, I got to see a lot as it is, and you can’t see ‘em all!  I think the main movie I didn’t see this summer was Fantastic Four, but I heard it was really bad.  So bad that the director had to apologize for it.  I have a high tolerance to bad movies but since I’ve been blind in my left eye and can’t drive, I have to have someone to go with me to these things, and I couldn’t bring myself to ask someone to go see a movie so bad with me.  So I will just Netflix it instead.  It’s OK, I don’t think I saw the last Fantastic Four movies in theaters anyway.  I can’t even remember the characters’ names.  I think there’s Stretchy Guy, See-Through Woman, Fire Man, and Thingburger.  Speaking of which, Denny’s has a new item on their menu to promote the movie and it’s called the Thingburger and it looks really good.  I hope I get to try one, but we’ll see.  You know a movie is bad when a hamburger based on it sounds better.

There was also a new Dragonball movie that they were/are showing in select theaters that I was kind of interested in, but I was too lazy to find which theaters it was shown at, if any nearby.  I may Netflix Terminator Genisys and the Poltergeist remake when those come out on DVD, as they were summer movies I missed, too.  Speaking of Netflix, I did recently rent the Paddington movie and I didn’t think it was that bad at all.  It stayed true to the books and was a cute family movie.  One cool thing is that the actress who played the mom in the movie was also in the new Godzilla film.  I thought that was an awesome transition so she goes in my favorite actresses list. 

And that’s all for now!  In the comments section, let me know what you think of the movies I saw, and my opinions of them.  And tell me which movies you saw this summer, too!  I think the best movie I saw this summer was probably Inside Out.  Later!  --Cary




08/16/2015 at 03:36 AM

Rifftrax doing The Room would be great. I may have to see that. I saw Mad Max, Inside Out, Shaun the Sheep, and Terminator. Didn't care much for Terminator, but the rest I liked. I'm going to see Man from U.N.C.L.E. tomorrow. I noticed trailers now give away all the best parts of a movie. I am now avoiding trailers, if I can. 

Cary Woodham

08/16/2015 at 01:18 PM

The Room was very painful to watch.  Full of great quotes, but nothing else.

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/16/2015 at 09:50 AM

I've seen none of those movies. I thought Mission Impossible: Rogue Protocol and Spy were really good though. 

I want to see Avengers, but at this point I'm waiting for DVD. The Sesame Street short was alright. I was actually expecting Veggie Tales cause of the name. lol

Oh man, I love The Room on its own. Definitely so bad it's good for me and my friends. So quotable too. I remember my friend Austin and I staying up just to watch it on Adult Swim around April Fool's Day. 

I've only seen the first Mad Max on Netflix and thought it was ok. All my friends, male or female, LOVED this one though. I really wish I got to see it in theaters.

I looked up the speech from Tomorrowland. Apparently, The Daily Signal was none too pleased with the political bent. I'm fine with what I read of it though. I may have to see it just cause Hugh Laurie's the villain. I would like to see more colorful futures in movies myself. Have been real sick of greyscale apocalypses for some time now. 

I think a plot written by an 8-year-old is perfect for a dinosaur movie! lol I wasn't compelled to see Jurassic World for some reason.

I really want to see Inside Out, in part because of my interest in psychology. It was my minor in undergrad and my graduate degree involved it to some extent.

I really liked the Despicable Me movies because they don't take themselves too seriously. Sometimes I get annoyed by the Oscar-baitiness of certain Pixar movies. But I don't disagree it was overmarketed. Those Minion people must be making a killing!

I thought Ant-Man was kind of its own thing, so I'm surprised it has after-credits sequences. I bet the movie staff HATE those. I still want to see it.

I think people going to see Pixels are already aware of classic arcade games for the most-part. I was skeptical because it's a Sandler movie and with the reviews and such I don't think I'll see it unless it comes on TV.

I didn't know there were Wallace & Gromit spin-offs like that. I'll have to check it out if I see it around.

It sucks Fantastic Four was bad. Apparently the director tweeted that he had a much better different version the studio didn't go for. 

Never cared about Dragonball and still haven't seen the old Terminator movies like I've been meaning to, have no idea what Paddington is, but I would like to see the Poltergeist remake.

Cary Woodham

08/16/2015 at 01:30 PM

Yeah The Room was very painful to watch, but it did have a lot of great quotes. "Oh hi doggy."

Of course your female friends liked Mad Max!  Women kicked butt in that movie.  They should've called the movie "Mad Max and his Lady Friends Who Do All the Work!"

I didn't feel the speech in Tomorrowland had a political bent, but of course the media will see it that way.  But oh well, I don't like to talk about politics on the Internet, so that's all I'm going to say about that!

If you studied psycholoogy, you really need to see Inside Out.  It's a bit thought-provoking and a little depressing, which makes it hard to watch.  But I am definitely getting it on DVD, and I only get movies on DVD that I really like.

Yeah I agree about the Despicalble Me movies and other non-Pixar CG fare.  Sometimes you don't have to Oscar-worthy.  As long as your movie is entertaining, that's what's important.

Yeah if you like Wallace & Gromit, you need to check out the spin-offs.  Also, TellTale made some fantastic Wallace & Gromit point and click adventures a few years ago.

I'm not a big fan of Dragon Ball Z, but the original Dragon Ball is one of my favorite animes of all time, so I do have at least a passing interest in DBZ.  But I guess I wasn't interested enough to look up where to see the new movie.  But that's OK.  I have a feeling that SPOILER ALERT Goku wins in the end.

You never heard of Paddington Bear?  Did you ever see the stop-motion Paddington Bear shorts when you were a kid?  Oh wait, you are a little younger than I am, aren't you?  So you may have missed them.  Well, look up Paddington Bear sometime.  It's very charming and the movie was cute, too.

Only movies I'm looking forward to this holdiay season are The Good Dinosaur, the Peanuts movie, and something I keep hearing about a new Star Wars? :)

Thanks for reading my blog!

Super Step Contributing Writer

08/16/2015 at 02:35 PM

I thought Star Wars was next year. Well that I'll definitely have to see in theaters.

Looking it up, I think I recognize the Paddington Bear toys, but not sure about shorts. 

I did like what I saw of the original Dragonball. Didn't even know it existed until freshman year of college. Assumed DBZ was all there was.

Cary Woodham

08/16/2015 at 03:22 PM

Nope, the new Star Wars comes out Dec. 18 of this year.  I double checked!

I knew about Dragon Ball since I was in middle school.  But I think that's because FUNimation, who was first based in Ft. Worth and now is in Flower Mound, TX, had Dragon Ball shown on local channels back then.  Surprisingly, the Dallas area is a pretty big hot spot for anime stuff.

Did you know that the old NES game Dragon Power was actually a Dragon Ball game in Japan?


08/16/2015 at 11:34 PM

I highly recommend Mission: Impossible: Rogue Nation. I think it's my favorite of the series so far.

Cary Woodham

08/17/2015 at 07:48 AM

I may have to just Netflix that one.  Once I get to the end of the summer and start preparing for PAX Prime, I don't have as much time to see movies on the weekends anymore.


08/19/2015 at 09:51 PM

The amount of Minions stuff on social media and in the real world is mind boggling. A lot of the management offices where I work are decorated with it.

Cary Woodham

08/19/2015 at 09:53 PM

I like the minions, but I wish Servebots were just as popular. :)


09/11/2015 at 04:42 PM

Well, I definitely think the first Avengers is better than Age of Ultron, but I still thought AoU was pretty damn great. Loved the development of Clint (Hawkeye or Bow Guy for you), Ultron was an interesting villain and the last act was pretty exciting. Captain America: The Winter Soldier is still my favorite of this second phase of Marvel movies so far, but AoU is pretty high on the list if I say so myself.

"You're tearing me apart Lisa!" Ahh, The Room. For me, that one is a staple of So Bad it's Good up there with Space Mutiny.

I missed Fury Road on purpose, not for lack of interest mind you, but because I want to see the original three films first. Though I should say that as it turns out, even if there were some touches with computer effects, much of the stuff in Fury Road was actually made in practical effects!

Better than the original Jurassic Park? Not at all, but I still thought Jurassic World was fine on its own. Besides, some of the problems of the latter one were also present in the original film.

Man, I missed Inside Out.

Ant-Man, though a bit rushed, was quite a lot of fun. I saw it with my dad at first he was a bit wary, but also ended up really enjoying.

Cary Woodham

09/12/2015 at 12:22 PM

Aw it's too bad you missed Inside Out.  I think that was this summer's best movie.

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