Hello, my name is Blake. Today, I have some information that I would like to convey to you. I wish to do so in a calm and polite manner - contrary to usual, I know.
Tyler the Creator is banned in the UK, and activists are trying to get him banned in Australia. Um...

I thought we were past this with musicians. I thought video games were the new target. But I guess a black kid says some offensive things and we have to ban him. Here's the thing: You're a cunt. A fucking retarded cunt who needs a good kick in the head. I don't give a fuck if you're offended. Freedom of speech doesn't end where your feelings begin. Fuck your feelings. Fuck you. You're a piece of shit and I hope everyone you love dies so they don't have to put up with your shit.
You know what? I'm offended by you. Can we ban you? Can you get the fuck out of my country? I don't want kids to have to hear your right wing bullshit. Who gives a fuck if you're offended? Part of being an adult is you don't chuck a tantrum over everything you see that you don't like.

"He's offensive!" Sure. He has lyrics like: "Took karate, mommy told me "Tyler toughen up"
Rihanna haircut, somebody tell Chris Brown to fuck me up."
And: "I'm not an asshole I just don't give a fuck a lot
The only time I do is when a bitch is screaming "Tyler, stop"
Yeah. He was definitely offensive. In 2009, when he first came out, in a song where he and Earl Sweatshirt (the more offensive party in that song) were trying to out offend each other. Now he's pretty tame. He did a song with fucking Kanye West for christ's sake. And Eminem had far more offensive lyrics. I don't see him getting banned from countries. Let's see:
"Slim Shady, Brain Dead like Jim Brady." (google jim brady if you don't get that line.)
"Slim Shady/hotter than a set of twin babies/in a mercedes Benz with the windows up when the temp goes up to the mid 80's.
"I take seven kids from Columbine, stand 'em all in line
Add an AK-47, a revolver, a nine
a Mack-11 and it oughta solve the problem of mine
and that's a whole school of bullies shot up all at one time"
But you won't ban him. He's white.
When the fuck did we get so politically correct?