a lot of love for that Macklemore tune.
Podcasting, GLaD 20, Hip Hop Hump Day, Malt Liquor?
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![]() On 03/20/2013 at 10:35 PM by Super Step ![]() See More From This User » |
Recently, since my last "Audio Extravaganza blog" got so many positive responses, I've been thinking about doing a podcast myself. Might not be too soon, but I'm mulling it over in my head. In the meantime, since this Saturday is my birthday, I think I'll post a couple air checks from when I used to DJ, and that way none of you can tell me shit about how bad my voice sounds, cause it'll be my birfday. The real reason is my airchecks are somewhat lenghty, and Soundcloud takes forever to upload anything, so I want to give myself some time. I'll be introducing songs with my voice from now on if I'm able, but I want to keep the Soundlcloud tracks a bit more minimal than I did on that last blog, as I know it slows down at least my computer to be on a page with that many embedded videos and widgets, so I'll use my best judgment on whether my voice is used outside of the music part of my blogs. On to today's blog,
BIng Image Mad Libz: Justin Timberlake and sexy Indian cookbook author, Padma Lakshmi get it on (this is becoming a theme with these; people love searching attractive members of both sexes) get it on near Mount Etna, after using the Pokemon Squirtle to put out the Volcanic flames. As it turns out, Justin Timberlake knows Sting's "eight hour tantric sex" method, and by the time they're done, Squirtle has evolved into Warturtle, then Blastoise. Lakshmi says the experience was good, but parts of it have left her with a newfound aversion to chicken drumsticks, and she refuses to cook them ever again.Turns out JT had watched the ending scene in Killer Joe just prior to the proceedings (Google if you dare).
Pokemon Blue is the one of the only JRPGs not involving Mario characters I have enjoyed. This is probably because the "kid gloves" are on, as a completionist, I loved the collecting aspect, and I enjoyed discovering new Pokemon to fight with, and their designs were really cool; I'm not sure I would ever have played this without the ginormous phenomenon surrounding it at the time, but I don't regret it, and it has a huge nostalgic value for me.
I of course went with the Blue version because ... well, duh, water beats fire, why the hell did everyone like Charizard so much? Well, ok, he looked awesome. I guess I'm just bitter I never got that shiny Charizard card all my friends seemed to have.
Maybe it knew I had the Blue version ... but then how come I never got a Blastoise?
In any case, I still remember choosing Squirtle as my first Pokemon, Professor Oak, and his asshole son Gary, who was going down! I even owned a Pokedex separate from the game at the time.
Yeeeah, buddy, I got ALL the ladies walking around with this
Plus, despite having only bought the game cause the VHS sent to my house promoting the show got me hyped, and not liking that it was a JRPG, it turned out to be ok, because you knew you'd only have random battles if you went in the grass. Hallelujer, a way to avoid those!
Y'all can't get me out here, I'mma ride ma bike!
And I actually didn't mind the battle system; the HP and experience system was easy to understand, it was clear what strengths and weaknesses the Pokemon had, and it was actually fun enough I advanced to at least the Final Four.
The world of Pokemon was welcoming to inexperienced JRPG gamers,
unless Professor Oak wanted to fight, in which case you'd be his bitch
Pokemon simplified the world of JRPGs, inspired the collect 'em all nature of some gamers, and through this, became accessible to even people like me who normally can't stand turn-based combat, and developed a phenomenon that continues to this day, in some form.
And what would Pokemon be without hardcore 90s rap? I have no idea, but let's get started on Hip Hop Hump Day, an offshoot of Wax Lyrical Wednesday.
Hip Hop Hump Day
I'm a bit hot on the mic, may want to approach with caution.
Bit too soft on this one, may want to turn the speakers up a bit.Or a lot.
Juuuust right (well, close enough, anyway); and now I'm done, and off to have some porridge, gonna watch Rise of the Guardians and Seven Psychopaths as well; hope they're good.