I hate 8:30AM classes and tests. Attendance is how I got a D instead of a C in college algebra, and I really think I'd have done better were it not such an early class.
Will the Real Update Please Stand Up?
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![]() On 09/12/2015 at 02:35 PM by Alex-C25 ![]() See More From This User » |
Almost a month ago, I did a half-arsed small update. I predicted that I would be unactive once again and in a case that could make Nostradamus jealous, I was right. The only difference being that I went through over 70 blogs, although I actually paid attention to most of them this time. University still made me busy and though there were plenty of chances to check the blogs, I was indeed lazy. However, I did say I would make an update. Yeah, it's a month later, but I never said it would have a fixed date. So here's it is, all killer no filler, what i've been doing since BaD ended.
End of First Semester and start of second
I ended my first university semester on the 25th of May, which coincidentaly, was also the day I had my final exam in one of the subjects. Later on when I checked the final results of every subject, I was so close yet so far on getting a four out of five by almost a single point due to an increasingly score reduction in an extra subject I had taken. Due to that, I only had a set of subjects to choose from for the next semester.
Overall, it was quite the first semester. I managed to survive throughout and even get great scores on some subjects.
I started the second semester about two months ago on July 27th. I was a bit optimistic at first and hopeful that I would do better this time..... but now i'm almost in a dire situation. You see, I was studying for an exam that would occur the very next day I was studying, at 8:30 am. I stayed until very late, around 2:15 to 2:30 am. I was planning in awakening at 6:40 am and I even set the cellphone alarm like I had always done..... I awoke at 10:00 am. When I saw the hour, I was desperate and organized myself quickly and even called a taxi to get to the university (I almost always go walking), but alas, it was obvious when I got there that the exam was long gone. I talked with my teacher about it, but as she said, there was no chance of repeating the exam and I didn't have a good excuse for repeating it. I was heartbroken during the day and so were my parents (and a bit angry, but I understood it), though in the end they also gave me encouragement to do better on the following exams of the subject and the other ones, and actually get some rest so a situation like that doesn't happen anymore (they even got me a clock with alarm for that).
Honestly, i'm worried about this second semester. Aside from missing the exam, I feel that it won't be enought to get a high score to continue on the university, but we'll see.
So, what about the holiday?
Let's change to something lighter.
After the 25th of May, I pretty much started my holiday vacation until the 27th of July. Few days after the start, I went to my homecity for the rest of the holiday and over there I even went to a one week trip to the beach around the end of June and early July.
Something else I should mention is that I went to my first ever convention, Comic Con Colombia (and acording to the website, IT IS related to that Comic Con). It was up for three days, but I only went to the first two since the third day was father's day. Overall, I had an awesome experience and really enjoyed it. Got to see awesome cosplayers, interesting booths, buy a lot of stuff, participate in some activities and even spend time with some friends I hadn't seen for quite a while. Since i've taken many pictures, I hope to perhaps upload them here.
I'm also starting to get more into Magic: The Gathering, though i'm far from an expert on the game. The good thing is i've been receiving some help from a card and tabletop games store I discovered on the convention and played and won my first ever match. I haven't played anything since that though, which is why i'm hoping to get one of the Duel of the Planeswalkers game (got the 2014 edition on my wishlist).
I've gotten quite the stuff during the past months. In no order i've bought and/or gotten, either from Steam, gifts, other sites and bundles:
PC: BattleBlock Theater (got it as a gift from Vice's Assistant), Blue Rose, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Cherry Tree High Comedy Club, The Clans-Saga of the Twins, Contrast, Costume Quest (gift from mothman), Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut, eden, the complete edition of Skyrim, Freedom Planet, FTL: Faster Than Light, Go! Go! Nippon!, Higurashi When They Cry (finally localized to Steam), Metal Slug X (another gift from Vice's), A New Beginning, Nicole, Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds, Project Root, Resonance, Rogue Legacy, Rollers of the Realm (once again, thanks mothman), Shadow Warrior Classic, Shantae: Risky's Revenge, Super Amazing Wagon Adventure, Super Chain Crusher Horizon, Transistor, X-note and the pack that include YS I and II.
Wii: Madworld.
Wii U: Bayonetta 2.
DS: Chrono Trigger, Pokemon Black and Pokemon HeartGold.
3DS: Fire Emblem: Awakening.
I actually finished a game and did a review that i'll eventually post here.
First time getting insulted online
Yeup, even if i've been active on the internet for about 5 years and i'm even an user on the godforsaken Tumblr, I never seemed to have hate thrown at me and never had discussions go sour.... until now. I pretty much described what happened here if you're interested.
Other active sites
That reminds me, i've created accounts over the sites My Anime List and Bandcamp, so if you also have them there, follow me if you want.
That all!
I guess that's all I wanted to say as to what i've been doing. I won't guarantee that i'll constantly blog, but I do think i'll be active once again in the commenting front. I've got some blog ideas either way, so expect to see them in some capacity.
For the time being, hope to see more from you all.