I wouldn't say EBA needed both screens, you spent the vast majority focused om the bottom. I wouldn't want it on mobile though because it's too frantic, you need a stylus for that game. An endless runner Mario would work well, Mario Maker would be cool if given controller support, Wario Ware really is perfect, and Animal Crossing would be a great fit too. Could also see Earthbound, Fire Emblem, or Advance Wars working.
Nintendo franchises that might be good Mobile games
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![]() On 10/02/2015 at 10:49 PM by Captain N ![]() See More From This User » |
Hey Pixlbit how's it going? I've been thinking about the Nintendo and DeNa partnership since it was announced. More importantly what games and franchises they plan to put up on the mobile space. I've had some ideas for a while, but never got around to writing anything on it. But the timing feels right as Nintendo plans to announce their first game soon. Here are my picks for franchises that might be good as mobile games.
Pilotwings: I don't know of any flight sims on mobile, and I'm not sure if you can consider Pilotwings as a flight sim. I do feel that it can work on mobile devices. You can use the gyro controls on your phone/tablet to control your plane or jetpack.
Animal Crossing: I feel this game would take off if they put it on mobile platforms. You can have the game based around daily events like fishing and stuff, and you could obviously decorate your house like a regular Animal Crossing game. You could even buy stuff using bells or actual money. This would definitely make Nintendo a lot of money.
Mario: With Nintendo's first entry into the mobile space, you can assure that it's main franchise will be there. The only question here is, what gameplay will they use? I'm not sure they can use a platformer since I've seen that the traditional platformer experience you get on a console isn't emulated well on a mobile device. Because of lack of buttons. I mean I can picture a 3D Mario game where you move Mario with the touchscreen, use the gyro on your phone for camera movement and tapping on the touchscreen to make Mario jump. It might feel broken or wonky and Mario games always have perfect controls. So I thought, why not make a 2D Mario game where he moves on his own? In New Super Mario Bros. 2, there are these levels where Mario gets shot out of a cannon and he moves on his own. I don't remember that well so feel free to correct me on it. They can do something like that.
Dr. Mario: I bet you're thinking, I'm just picking games here that look like they belong on mobile. The thing is that yeah, because they can work. People seem to like puzzle games, so why not Dr. Mario? It can work just like your traditional Dr. Mario game. It will only require the touchscreen, like sliding your finger on the touchscreen to move the megavitamin and tapping on the screen to flip it.
Zelda: I'm not sure what they can do with this since it might be more trouble than it's worth. I initially had an idea like Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks but the problem is that those games had buttons you used despite the game being controlled via touchscreen. But what if they do a Four Swords styled game that you and (if you want) yours friends can play online? You can quest for loot and stuff and save Hyrule as you go from dungeon to dungeon. Like each player can dedicate themselves to doing something. Like someone can use a sword, someone else uses a shield and so forth. You can switch items at certain areas so it wouldn't be too menu heavy on switching items. If they can work the controls, then it can work.
Pokemon or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: I don't know how they can make a Pokemon game for this, since Nintendo and Game Freak has that covered with Pokemon Go. But how about a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game? But instead give it online so you and 3 other friends can go on dungeon raids together and rescue Pokemon and explore dungeons. You could even have a global ranking system that ranks your team/guild. The higher your rank, the bigger your reputation is. Plus you can get better quests from the game. They can even have exclusive dungeons that pop up as a timed thing.
Elite Beat Agents: Elite Beat Agents was such a great game. Sadly it didn't sell well to get a sequel. Here's what they can do: They can have a few scenarios up for maybe 3-4 bucks for the game. Then later on they can add more scenarios, maybe up to 5 news ones every now and then for 99 cents or something. And maybe this time, get some music that is awesome. Since the one on the DS was either hit or miss. The only hurdle I see here is that EBA required both screens to work. That will be an impossible feat on a mobile phone. They can get it to work on a tablet though since it's bigger.
Warioware: I think this one might be a perfect fit out of all the games I listed here. In the Warioware games, Wario and his "friends" have these games called Microgames. They are essentially 3 Second minigames that are simple to play. They either required to press one button, the d-pad, or both. I haven't played the more recent ones but I bet the DS ones only had you use the touch screen and motion controls. Mobiles Phones and Smartphones have both of those things these days I feel the microgames can translate well as mobile games. The microgames are short, perfect for on the go and have easy to understand controls, with will most likely require touch and gyro controls.
Those are my ideas. I initially thought of adding Pikmin, but left it out. And Advance Wars, but never played it. Do you know any games that could be good ideas as Nintendo mobile games? Thanks for reading and later.