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The Blakequisoptometrist Update

On 10/09/2015 at 01:25 AM by Blake Turner

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 No Alex. I'm not doing the Blakequisition. Just to spite you.

Uncharted: Aryan Race Collection

 So that's what I've been playing. I finished Uncharted 2 in one sitting, which is insane because that game is 12 hours long. But it's oh so good. Is it perfect? Hell no. The controls are completely fucked, with me dying multiple times because Drake wouldn't unstick from cover or because I tried to roll away from an enemy and got stuck to cover right in front of them, or because I tried to take cover on something Naughty Dog didn't like me taking cover in and rolled into an RPG. Also, platforming has the same issue.

 And the game is fucking cheap at times. Seriously, the game is a walk in the park until after the train section and then it turns into fucking Battle Toads. They throw stupid combinations of enemies at you and you will die over and over because the game becomes a trial and error piece of shit and it's SOOOOOO FRUSTRATING! And the last boss can eat a dick. Fuck that guy.

 But I finished it in one sitting because it is so goddamn enthralling. The tank chase has got to be one of my favourite moments in video games because it throws everything that makes Uncharted special into one scene.

 Now I'm onto 3. I'm not super far in, but I still like it. I know I hate on it a lot but it's still good. It's just a little bit of a letdown after the splendid array of awesome that was 2. Psyched as fuck for 4!

Avatar: The Show Not The Shitty Movie

 Watching this for the first time because my girlfriend screamed at me until I gave it a go. I'm glad she did. It's good shit. Complex characters, a cool world, and a villain that should be the good guy but isn't for reasons. I love it. Nearly finished the first season. Don't spoil shit or I'll murder your young and send pictures of their new positions as hackey sacks.

Meow The Jewels

 Holy shit. When Mike and El said they were doing a remix album with nothing but cat sounds I though "that'll be a cute novelty." I didn't think that they'd mention to make an awesome album that was in no way a gimmick. Some of these instrumentals are better than the original, which is impressive given how great the originals were. Seriously, this is awesome.






10/09/2015 at 01:36 AM

I really enjoyed Avatar.  I was surpraised that it was so good.  The creators did an awesome job.  Sadly, I'm not a big fan of the latest Avatar though.  I thought the action scenes were great, but the characters and story aren't up to what the first Avatar series was.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/09/2015 at 02:04 AM

I haven't watched it but Bilby says it's a show that starts meh and gets better. She loves the steampunk inspired world too.


10/09/2015 at 03:53 PM

That's about right.  


10/10/2015 at 01:22 AM

I would say that season 1 of Legendof Korra is great but rushed since it was intended at first as just a miniseries. Season 2 is considered the weak one except for certain episodes while the remaining seasons are the masterpieces.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

10/09/2015 at 09:09 AM

in retrospect, I'm glad I just went ahead and bought Uncharted 2 and 3 separately (already completed UC1). At first, I kept holding out hope that that Sony would make a trilogy for the US PS3.  Glad I didn't hold my breath for too long.  Still not convinced I need a PS4 yet.

I finished Unchardted 2 several months ago and I really enjoyed the whole game.  I don't recall haviung any trouble with Nathan dying unfairly due to the controls.  Could be a problem with the trilogy version or something.  Anyway, glad you enjoyed the game overall. I'll probably start Uncharted 3 in a few months.  Need to play through some other games to get them ready for review first.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/09/2015 at 12:27 PM

It's not just me. Kotaku, ign, Yahtzee, and others have all mentioned that all 3 of these games have absurd difficulty spikes And that a lot of it is due to controls. 

 playing on normal, and for the most part it's not that hard but they all have moments where you just wabt to find who made the level you're on and punch them In the dick. And if they don't have one, make one for them, and then punch them there. They are damn good games otherwise thouvh


10/09/2015 at 10:39 AM

I have really enjoyed Uncharted more than I thought I would. I played Golden Abyss on the Vita before I ever played any of the console games, so I had to get all three of the Uncharted games because I wanted to play them now.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/11/2015 at 02:40 AM

They're pretty amazing. They're games I want to hate on principle but can't because they're so well made.


10/09/2015 at 03:51 PM

I played Uncharted 2 recently and I couldn't agree more with everything you said. I experienced the exact same thing. I was on Normal too and rage quit when I hit those Shangrila enemies. I'll go back to it though. Just like you said, it's presentation is amazing, one of the best visual experiences I've had in gaming. Gotta play 3 now.

A friend and I binge watched all of Avatar a year or two ago. Great stuff! Can't see why they had to end it except for the death of Mako, voice of Iroh.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/11/2015 at 02:35 AM

They're worth finishing, but yeah they're frustrating as fuck. Those enemies especially.

And yeah I heard about that. It's unfortunate, because I love Iroh and Zuko.


10/12/2015 at 01:55 AM

I didn't realize how important that voice actor was to the whole show until he was gone. 


10/09/2015 at 04:31 PM

My nephew told my cousin that he needed to watch Avatar, and then they both told me I needed to watch it. I binge-watched all three seasons in about 10 days (or maybe less). And then I made Jason watch it. The consensus is that the series is surprisingly deep for a Nickelodeon cartoon.

I have yet to play Uncharted 2 or 3, mostly because I can't get through the first one. I don't even have words for how much I loathe the waves upon waves of bullet-sponge enemies that just won't fucking die.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/09/2015 at 11:12 PM

I skip the First one. Its honestly not that good of a game and it really doesn't hold up. 2 and  3 are excellent, and theyre less bullet spogey than 1 (though still a bit). I actually think these games might be better experienced on easy than normal mode though.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/09/2015 at 06:25 PM

I fucking hate Uncharted.  There, I said it.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/11/2015 at 02:33 AM

Why do you hate it so much?

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/11/2015 at 10:15 AM

i hate the gunplay.  the endless enemies who absorb bullets easily. I wish it was more fistfights like Indiana Jones.  I like everything else about the game. But I hate the damn gunplay so much.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/11/2015 at 01:53 PM

try the ps4 version. 60 fps makes it less gunplay snappier and it's easier to get headshots which kill most enemies ib one hit. the gunplay feels good now, as opposed to sluggish and dull.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/11/2015 at 09:45 PM

I do like head shots. What American doesn't?  Tongue Out

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/09/2015 at 07:29 PM

I really want to get that Uncharted game before 4, but I can't bring myself to do it because what I played of 2 through PS Now was just ok to me. It probably gets way better and I definitely got a feel for why people love its cinematic approach, I just got stuck at a certain spot (happens more and more these days ... maybe my frontal lobe has developed ahead of schedule and I'm stuck sucking at certain parts of games) and lost interest. But it's definitely a series I wasnt to experience at some point. 

Did I NOT scream at you to watch Avatar? Love that series and Korra. They are different, but definitely great shows. 

So the background is cat noises that were edited? that's cool. From that song, I agree, it sounds like a good album rather than just a gimmick. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/11/2015 at 02:39 AM

This version fixes some things. Aiming is much less sluggish in 60 fps, and in general it feels better to play and looks better as a result.

 Yeah it seems that way too. And I don't know that you did. I never really mentioned the show before.

 And yeah it's cool. The original album is great too.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

10/09/2015 at 10:36 PM

Oh man I love Avatar. Top 3 shows ever actually. If you think season 1 is good wait until you get to 2. Might be my favorite non-Simpsons season of a show ever. Introduces one of my favorite villains too.

As for Korra, season 1 is good with too much high school drama, but an incredible villain. He doesn't just kick ass, everything he does just feels unholy for lack of a better word. 2 is meh. Plots kind of a mess, villain is boring as hell, but it introduces two great comic relief characters (one voiced by Aubrey Plaza) and has an epic flashback story. 3 is amazing, great villains, great characterization and deep story. 4 is good but feels too much like an afterthought and not like a proper ending.

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/11/2015 at 06:54 AM

Agreed on the seasons of Korra. Pretty much exactly my take.

Only disagreement on the original is even though 2 is a stronger overall season because it doesn't have as much filler as 3, the non-filler eps are enough to make it my favorite season by a slim margin over 2. Plus, I didn't mind the filler as much as a lot of people. Especially because of one of the concepts explored and how it expands the world of Avatar. Speaking of which, might watch that one in celebration of Halloween.

What's your favorite Simpsons season? 

Casey Curran Staff Writer

10/11/2015 at 01:28 PM

5 or 8.


10/10/2015 at 01:27 AM

No Blakequisition....

Now changing the subject...

Oh man, so awesome you started watching A:tLA. It's behind The Simpsons not only for my favorite animated show, but also of all-time. If liked season 1, it'll only get better from now on. I also know you said no spoilers, but i'm just going to say that image has one....

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