I really enjoyed Avatar. I was surpraised that it was so good. The creators did an awesome job. Sadly, I'm not a big fan of the latest Avatar though. I thought the action scenes were great, but the characters and story aren't up to what the first Avatar series was.
The Blakequisoptometrist Update
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![]() On 10/09/2015 at 01:25 AM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
No Alex. I'm not doing the Blakequisition. Just to spite you.
Uncharted: Aryan Race Collection
So that's what I've been playing. I finished Uncharted 2 in one sitting, which is insane because that game is 12 hours long. But it's oh so good. Is it perfect? Hell no. The controls are completely fucked, with me dying multiple times because Drake wouldn't unstick from cover or because I tried to roll away from an enemy and got stuck to cover right in front of them, or because I tried to take cover on something Naughty Dog didn't like me taking cover in and rolled into an RPG. Also, platforming has the same issue.
And the game is fucking cheap at times. Seriously, the game is a walk in the park until after the train section and then it turns into fucking Battle Toads. They throw stupid combinations of enemies at you and you will die over and over because the game becomes a trial and error piece of shit and it's SOOOOOO FRUSTRATING! And the last boss can eat a dick. Fuck that guy.
But I finished it in one sitting because it is so goddamn enthralling. The tank chase has got to be one of my favourite moments in video games because it throws everything that makes Uncharted special into one scene.
Now I'm onto 3. I'm not super far in, but I still like it. I know I hate on it a lot but it's still good. It's just a little bit of a letdown after the splendid array of awesome that was 2. Psyched as fuck for 4!
Avatar: The Show Not The Shitty Movie
Watching this for the first time because my girlfriend screamed at me until I gave it a go. I'm glad she did. It's good shit. Complex characters, a cool world, and a villain that should be the good guy but isn't for reasons. I love it. Nearly finished the first season. Don't spoil shit or I'll murder your young and send pictures of their new positions as hackey sacks.
Meow The Jewels
Holy shit. When Mike and El said they were doing a remix album with nothing but cat sounds I though "that'll be a cute novelty." I didn't think that they'd mention to make an awesome album that was in no way a gimmick. Some of these instrumentals are better than the original, which is impressive given how great the originals were. Seriously, this is awesome.