Quick blog, just want to say how utterly fucking useless PSN is. Sure, you get free games once a month, that's always grand. But - and this is a big but - on PS4 that barely makes up for the issues.
Let's start with the big ones. I'm usually a pc gamer, but I like my shiny ps4. The problem with it is HOLY SHIT EVERYTHING IS SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE! Indie games cost $10-$15 on steam. On PSN they cost $20-$40. That's fucking ludicrous. Why is FUCKING Terraria $40? I bought it for 40c! Even retail pc doesn't charge that much. It's fucking absurd.
Even worse is the downloads. Do you not bother to compress files? Why is Diablo 3 a 62 gb download when on pc it's a 15gb one! How did you fuck that up? Warframe was a 6gb download for me on pc, on ps4 its 20 gb!
And even with it plugged in to the ethernet downloads are processed slower than Bill Cosby's rape charges. Maybe I should get Hannibal Buress to say some shit about sony and speed this shit up a bit. Yeah, that joke is outdated but I get my news on the ps4 web browser so I'm just catching up on that shit.
All these things combined with the killing blow: there's still fuck all to play on PS4. Really, there is. I hope you like Open world games because that's all your fucking getting. Oh, there are indie games but they're so fucking expensive only Kanye West's psychologist could fucking afford them so you might as well just buy triple a. You can't play PS1 games. You can't play last gen games. You can't play the myriad of games that haven't been ported over yet. I have a bigger selection of games to play ON MY FUCKING VITA, and no one makes games for vita anymore!
Seriously fuck PSN. It's a rubbish service handled by baboons.