Durarara sounds a bit like the comic Fables on which the game Wolf Among Us was based.
Destiny Shame, Durarara, & Other Stuff
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![]() On 10/14/2015 at 01:52 PM by GeminiMan78 ![]() See More From This User » |
Hows it going pixl peeps?!
So I have been lurking lately, not having much time or motivation to post. The last couple of months have been hectic and a bit enlightening. I'm officially 4 weeks into my docent training at the New Orleans Museum of Art. Everyone is very friendly and most of my peers are older ladies, but I knew that going in. It is a bit intimidating because there is so much to learn. The museum has 3 very large floors filled to the brim with art from all over the world from just about every time period you can think of.
So I bit the bullet and got The Taken King expansion for Destiny and I have to say I have no regrets. Bungy has over hauled the hell out of the game and it is starting to finally feel like the game they promised us a year ago. The new subclasses are fresh and bring some new dynamics to the game play. Patrol missions are more interesting and have more incentives to do. And the new leveling system gives you more control of your load out and perks. So for now I have no shit to talk.lol
I also discovered a new anime that has captured my attention. Its called Durarara. If you think it looks funny in print try saring out loud. It would be really difficult to explain just what its about, but in a spoiler free nut shell, picture Tokyo as the magnet for supernatural characters from world folklore and mythology. It still has it share of anime cliches, but not so many that your "oh, another one of THOSE shows.I highly reccomend it.
I have been listen to so much stuff on Pandora that I really can't even think of who to name drop to my fellow audiophiles. A may have a followup blog for that when I have time.
Anyway that is all I got, have to head to work. I hope everyone is doing good, living life to the fullest, an getting their game on. Gemini out...Laters!