Some of my favorite NES games include:
The Legend of Zelda
Mario 2
Rescue Rangers
Little Nemo: The Dream Master
Mega Man series
On 10/16/2015 at 10:59 PM by Captain N See More From This User » |
Question #3
Hey Pixlbit, how are you doing?
This sunday will be the 30th anniversary of the NES. A good friend of mine is organizing an event on twitter where everyone can share their thoughts, memories, and whatnot about the NES and its games. So, if you wanna participate on twitter, use this hashtag #Happy30thNES So to get the ball rolling, this week's question will be: What are your Favorite NES games of all time?
It's different than before but should be fun, and I know alot of you here love the NES. As usual, if you feel your comment is too long, feel free to turn it into a blog post. As usual, link back to this post as a response to this question.
I'm also planning on participating on this. When I had this series in mind, I was never going to answer these questions because I wanted this to be about you guys. But I feel like I have to post something. So, only this once.
So, thanks for reading and Happy 30th NES!
Man, the NES was a little bit before my time, and for the most part I was a sega kid. I love the SNES but the NES graphics give me a headache for the most part. The only games on the NES I've actually played are SMB 1 and 3, Castlevania 3, and the Mega Man games. Of those I'd hand it to Castlevania, mainly because I'm a sucker for the series.
Super Mario Bros. 3 is the final grand statement of the console and every console has a game like this, a title that feels like a proper sendoff to the console and states "this is what this machine and its software was capable of". I've probably played it more times than any of the other SMB NES-era games (and any other NES game) for the obvious reason: it's simply a masterpiece.
The Legend of Zelda as well because it was the first time I truly felt I was inhabiting a game world that was huge and full of secrets. Also still fun to play after all these years.
Contra was one of the best action games, either solo or co-op and I still play it at least once every year.
Dr. Mario was easy to get into, harder to handle the longer you got into it and full of charm.