This will be one of the series of blogs that will focus on stuff I've bought recently, hence the title Mystery Gifts. Well this year seem to has started with me getting no new games. I did get a new game but it isn't current releases, but a new game is a new game, no matter when did you buy it. I also picked up some figures, some pretty good ones at some great prices too.
Here is what I picked up:

I picked this Batman 2-pack up for 17 bucks and how could I pass it up? I already had a Batman figure but this one was worth it for Catwoman. Catwoman alone is around 20+ bucks, so in a way, Batman was a free figure. Granted, it would be the same price at Amazon but then there's the shipping fee. Plus I got to see if there was anything wrong with the figs before I bought them. I also saw the boxart white version of the pack, maybe I'll pick it up next time.

Power Girl was an offer I couldn't refuse. Why? Well I actually paid 5 bucks for this figure which was a steal at that price. Though I paid the extra 5 bucks for the shipping but it was only 10 bucks in total. If I would of bought this somewhere else, it would of been 20 something bucks, plus if the figure is rare, I would of ended up paying more. Batman and Power Girl are my most favorite heroes from DC, I already had a Batman, so a Power Girl figure seemed like a no brainer. There is this Raven figure I've been eyeing for a while so I may get that next time.

This Batman Beyond isn't actually mine, it's my little brother's figure he got when I got Power Girl. It was brand new, and I mean was because my bro opened it before I had a shot at snapping a pick of it in it's case. It was 10 bucks with the shipping, plus it was an older figure, could be why it was cheap. Some oranges, Chibi Luigi, Robotnik, Eggman, and Drakes hand are making cameos.

This is something I picked up for 10 bucks. I used one of those 10 dollar Best Buy certificates to get it at that price. I had to get it online because they didn't have these at my local Best Buy. Heck they never have anything I want at my local Best Buy. I would of picked up Saints Row 3 instead of this since it was 10 bucks, I probably would of paid a dollar or so if I used the certificate, but my Best Buy didn't have any of those. I heard some good things about these games, though I probably wont be playing it now. Why? I just started Tomb Raider: Underworld for the first time and am replaying Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I'll probably give the Jak games a spin once I finish Underwolrd. That way I can alternate between a platformer and the rpg games. Plus it's a platformer, meaning it's worth my time. Also, my hand is making a cameo here.

Here's all the stuff put together, not sure what happened to the date on this picture, guess I must have gone back in time or something. Overall, some pretty good purchases and I got them all at some good prices to boot. Here's the total: Batman figs 17 bucks+ Power Girl fig 10 bucks+ J&D HD Collection 10 bucks= 37 bucks, 47 if I add my brother's Batman Beyond.
I'll probably make another blog once I open the stuff to show my figure collection. Also, maybe Porcelain Frog might make a cameo on the next Mystery Gift Blog. My 1up peeps know who that is. Well, did you get any cool stuff this month? Thanks for reading and later.