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Pixlbit Questionaire #4: BttF Edition

On 10/21/2015 at 05:13 PM by Captain N

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Question #4

Hey Pixlbit how's it going? I normally post these on friday's, but I couldn't wait to post the next one because...



It's Back to the Future Day! A few days ago it was the 30th anniversary of the franchise, and today is the 30th anniversary of the exact year Marty and Doc Brown went to the future in the second film. The franchise is incredibly popular. Besides the movies, the franchise has spawned games, with Telltale Games making the best BttF game ever, merchandise, and a cartoon. I'm serious, there's a cartoon that takes place after the events of the films. Whether it's canon or not is up to you.

I wanted to post my thoughts on the films, but thought that would be way too boring. So instead, I want to make it about you guys. So, today's question(s) is/are: What's you favorite film? When did you watch your first movie? How do you rank the films? Did you ever play any BttF game? Have you ever seen the cartoon? What's your favorite moments from the films? Do you think they'll ruin the original films if they remade, rebooted, or made a 4th part now? Did you think we'd have a future like BttF 2 when you first saw it? What are your favorite memories seeing the films?

It's multiple questions, I know, but to make it more fun. I feel the comments may be too long, so feel free to turn them into a blog post. As usual, just link back to this post.

Anyway, definitely going to watch the films in a bit. Looking back at the date, we still don't have flying cars, but at least we're close to hoverboards. But boy did the films stir your imagination and what you thought the future might bring. One day we wont need roads where we're going.

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading and happy Back to the Future Day!




Super Step Contributing Writer

10/21/2015 at 06:08 PM

My friend is way more into these movies than I am. I borrowed them from her a while ago and I liked them all ok. I'd say either the first or second is my favorite. Probably the second since it mostly deals with the future. 

My favorite movie in general is Cinderella Man, though I wish they hadn't played so loose with Max Bear's character, since he was a great man in real life. I get it though, they needed a villain. 

First movie I ever saw? Honestly can't say.

Captain N

10/22/2015 at 04:44 AM

I remember seeing them all at different times in random order when I was a kid. Great movies, glad I picked up the trilogy when I saw it on sale.

Never saw Cinderella Man, is it good?

I can't recall which is the very first movie I saw. It's either Batman 89, Returns, Lion King, or one of the BttF films.

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/22/2015 at 04:45 PM

I want to say Lion King is the first movie I remember seeing in theaters (sure I was taken to movies before then), but I can't say.

Cinderella Man is a dramatic sports movie and doesn't really change the formula, but it's exceptionally well-made and acted and being about a boxer from the depression era, its themese of financial struggle, fatherhood and family life, morality in the face of adversity, empathy with those you assume have it better than you, being an underdog, etc. etc. are very relevant to me on a personal level, which is why it's my favorite movie ever. It also won Best Picture in 2006 and Paul Giomatti won best supporting actor for it the same year. That was my introduction to him in fact and his performance is still one of the best things about that movie.

Captain N

10/22/2015 at 11:30 PM

Yes, I remember seeing it in theater too, not sure if it's the first movie I had ever seen, but it's one of the first I remember seeing.

Ah, makes sense now. I'm going to see if I can watch it then.

Cary Woodham

10/21/2015 at 07:22 PM

I watched these in the theater when they first came out, that's how old I am! :)  I enjoyed all three.  Maybe the 2nd one not as much, but I appreciate all of them.  I played the TellTale game, it started out better than it finished, and I think that'll be the closest thing we get to a 4th movie.  Did you know that Back to the Future is also a world in LEGO Dimensions?  I have also seen the cartoon.  They actually re-released the cartoon on Saturday mornings in the early 2000's when the DVDs were re-released.  There was also a Back to the Future ride at Universal Studios that I loved as a kid, too bad it's not there any more. We may not have flying cars, but we do have computers that can fit in our pockets that let us call people, watch TV shows, and go on the Internet.  I would've thought that would be unbelievable when I was a kid.

Captain N

10/22/2015 at 11:28 PM

Wow haha, I bet it must of been pretty amazing watching these in theaters. I like the 3 of them equally. Yes, loved the game as well and I think I have to agree with you on that. Yes I'm aware that there's a BttF world in Lego Dimensions. I want to get it, but I'm afraid I'll get addicted to collecting the sets like I have with amiibos. I think I recall seeing the cartoon in the FoxBox, but I actually remember seeing it as a kid as well. I always found it funny that there was always a Tannen in different time periods. The Biff dinosaur was really random, but funny.

Oh yes, I remember the BttF ride at Universal! Well I remember commercials for it. And yes you're right, all the technology we have now is definitely the stuff of science-fiction. If my future self would of told my kid self about the future, I probably wouldn't believe him/myself but wouldn't rule out the possibility. Possibilities are endless.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/21/2015 at 09:45 PM

you know, I don't love the sequels, but the part where Marty goes back in time to the 1950's again and has to avoid himself in the past is freaking brilliant. Is that the 2nd one or the third one??

Captain N

10/22/2015 at 04:37 AM

That's the second part. Yeah that was really interesting but brilliant.


10/22/2015 at 02:18 AM

I never liked time travel as an element in like anything. I could only stand it in Dr. Who because he traveled in time AND space. Which means he didn't just go the past in Galifree, he went anywhere in the universe. THAT'S cool! So I never really go into the Back to the Future thing. I did look up the Delorean car in a book about worst flops in car history. I'm not sure it was a flop though, but probably. Someone owns one in my home town. I see it every so often. It's cool. 

Captain N

10/22/2015 at 04:41 AM

Yeah it's fine. I haven't seen Doctor Who myself, but hear it's really good. I remember seeing a documentary on cars and they brought up DMC and DeLorean and mentioned that it was a flop. I'd love to own a DeLorean though.


10/22/2015 at 04:12 PM

I thought a lot about Dr. Who after I posted and realized that he manages to show up on Earth quite a lot, sometimes in different time periods. However there are usually aliens involved and that saves it for me.

Captain N

10/22/2015 at 11:31 PM

I've seen ads for it and seems very sci-fi themed. Seems like something I can enjoy.

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

10/22/2015 at 11:57 PM

The first movie that I can definitely recall seeing in the theater was The Little Mermaid. I remember covering my eyes briefly when Ursula took one of the "poor souls" in her her hand. I think she ate it...I actually can't remember what happened exactly, but I knew she was a scary evil octopus lady. Good times though.

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