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DFW gaming, charity, 5k results (mine)

On 10/23/2015 at 06:25 PM by Super Step

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If you're in the DFW area (Cary, Travis, probably more I can't remember) and love gaming and giving (all of you), here's a link for you:

Another charity event I attended in DFW area was the Mavs Run This Town 5k. Here's my results:

436/1422 overall with 29:26 5K time. Don't know what it is about competitions like this, I'm never as prepared as I am with my every-other-day excercise 5Ks. I think it has to do with forgetting until the day of and then having to wake up at 8am for them. This was a delayed 7PM race, but I only found out about it Sunday (was going from $40 to $45 Monday, used $5 I saved as direct donation when signing up) and I had work earlier in the day which is a race of its own. Have yet to get back to my lowest ever from April in either scenario though (23:35). Was 303/676 for males and 72/146 for males aged 25-29. Not bad, but wish I had done better. At least I was under 30, which is always my minimum goal for these. 

And how do I celebrate a run and my newfound healthy lifestyle? With beer and pretzels!:

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It was raining hard here during the event. At one point we had to go into the American Airlines Center to get out of the storm and I think the live band they were supposed to have was cancelled. Good news was tons of free stuff: beer, coffee, smoothie samples, water, fruit, regular and diet Dr. Pepper, and white and wheat bagels on the plaza in front of American Airlines Center where Mavs and Stars play. Also got a free shirt, free regular season Mavs ticket, and a few other goodies like armband, headband, wristband and a bunch of local coupons. 

I got $20 out of the ATM to get a $10 8" pizza from one of the food trucks set up outside. Wish I'd done this earlier so I could also hit up the taco food truck. Got the Greek pizza, which would have been so much better had the peppers been left off. I like spicy food, but not when all I taste is the heat. It wasn't painful spicy, but it did burn my lips and I wanted to taste the goat meat and feta cheese as well as cheese sauce more than I did. It was great pizza, just next time I know to ask for no peppers. I only like spicy when it adds flavor, not takes it away. 

I gave $10 to a guy saying he was a Marine and that was the cost of staying in a shelter for the night. I was likely swindled and should have just told him to ask staff for help. Tons of security around. Oh well. On the off chance he was telling the truth, all I was gonna use it on was more food anyway. Even if he's lying (likely, he flashed that supposed Marines tattoo a little quick and probably knew I wouldn't know what it should look like/that he got it from some tattoo parlor), at least someone is enjoying a sammich. That's what I told myself til I got gas. Dammit. That fucking asshole. Tongue Out At least it's only about $1.98/gallon here. Only takes me about $30 or so to fill up my car.

Also finally got a shirt from my freelance job, Invodo. So that's two free shirts in one week. Next week I'll have a travel day for my part time job to Waco, TX. 

How are y'all doing?



Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/23/2015 at 10:01 PM

what do u do for your freelance job?  

I really wish I was running.  I used to do it ten years ago.  In fact, when I woke up in the morning the other day I had an almost insatiable desire to go out and run.  I like to run when I first wake up.  Well, I didn't do it. But one day I will.  

I'm doing good.  Productive with music. Started writing a new album today, called "Love in the Time of Hyperspace."  It's inspired by a Marquez book, and will be all love songs.  

been playing those new games you got?

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/23/2015 at 10:54 PM

Same I had in 2012, Production Assistant for Invodo. 

I like running in the morning too. Working out in AM in general really. Makes day feel better.


No. Not yet. Haven't felt urge to turn PS4 on. Been kinda tired lately.


10/24/2015 at 04:33 PM

I'm keen on exercise at the moment. Not quite running yet, but I did a fast walk the other day and used some hills to make it harder. I'll get to running when my weight comes down a bit. I don't like these 5k runs much though. I'd rather run through obstacles like they do in the Tough Mudder. I'm going to create my own little obstacle course once my I get my run on.

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/24/2015 at 07:08 PM

Awesome! Hills are great for weight loss, even when walking. 

There are a lot of 5Ks with obstacles. A lot of them are American Ninja themed and have lots of inflatable stuff. Spartan races are obstacle-based, there was one in AT&T Stadium not long ago.

Hell, I did a 5K Mud Run if mud's your thing. Those all take a lot longer though and you need grip and muscle strength in addition to running if you're wanting to "race." I'd also recommend gloves if they use wood obstacles, like in mud run I did. Most obstacle races are just fun runs though (except Spartans, which are contests I believe).


10/25/2015 at 03:42 AM

Well, I have some ways to go before I do serious running again, but the routine is starting to come together. I say "again" because I used to run cross-country in high school. 

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

10/25/2015 at 09:43 AM

I'll have to check out that Extra Life page sometime. I hear about that all the time, but not local to DFW.

Good job on that 5K! I'm a runner too, but haven't been too serious about it in a long time. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/25/2015 at 12:43 PM

I'm not really serious serious about running or lifting, I just do both for fun and my health. I am still trying to get a six pack and take a picture of it then be done with it, but ... reasons (carbs). 

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

10/26/2015 at 08:54 PM

I was pretty serious about it until my knee crapped out on me about 7 years ago. Remember to take some time off, dammit!

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/27/2015 at 04:49 PM

I am not training hard enough to worry about "time off" yet, I need more time on if anything. lol But yeah, I am careful not to overexert myself when I go hard. Maybe too careful. I'm lucky to have a good friend getting his Kines doctorate in Auburn right now, and my other friend has trained for competitions and such, so I have resources if I have questions. 

Nick DiMola Director

10/25/2015 at 09:57 AM

One of these days I need to go run a proper 5k. I run a little more than that (3.5m) on a typical day, so I imagine I wouldn't struggle too badly with a legit one.Sounds like you did great though!

Also, don't beat yourself up too much about giving away the $10. Most importantly, your heart was in the right place. At the end of the day, it's impossible to know with anyone you give anything to if it went to the thing they said they needed it for. The gesture of giving it probably says more about you than you realize.

Super Step Contributing Writer

10/25/2015 at 12:45 PM

Yeah, I have run a 23:35 5k before (was pissed about my thesis) and kept going after that. They are not hard to do, just wish I was more prepared for these official ones. 

And I'm not beating myself up over it for that reason, and we were at a charity event after all. But I don't want to encourage shady panhandling practices either.  

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