aw man I'm gonna pick this up in a week or two. I'm so excited and jealous.
That game store sounds freaking awesome. maybe we have something like that in Phoenix but it's probably downtown. :(
I wish I was an orphan saving the world!
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![]() On 10/24/2015 at 10:39 AM by Ranger1 ![]() See More From This User » |
I'm still part time at the market, so I really shouldn't be spending anything on unnecessary items right now, but Tales of Zestiria dropped on Tuesday. I was going to be good and not buy it. That lasted until Wednesday. I had to go to Target and stock up on paper goods, and Game Box Video Games is on the way. I'd already made the decision to buy the game, I have no willpower when it comes to long ass JRPGs, and the Tales franchise is a close second to the Dragon Quest franchise as my favorite series. As we're driving to Topsham, Jason asks: "can you really afford it right now?" to which I responded "probably not, but it will make me happy."
Game Box, as always, was a great shopping experience. They sell new and retro games and systems, as well as providing repairs for all systems. And they have this awesome display cabinet set up in the center of the store with rare and collectible stuff in it, like a Sega Nomad, a Nintendo Power Glove, and figures that I never pay much attention to, because I'm too busy wishing I had that Nomad. When I walked in, there were two guys trying to sell an Xbox One, a 360, and all their games in order to put a down payment on a car. Turns out I work with one of them at the market. There was only one copy of Tales of Zestiria on the back shelf, so I was able to rationalize buying it (even more so after my visit to Target, which didn't have it at all, and I refuse to set foot in the GameStop in that area after being treated like I was an idiot the day I tried to buy a car charger for my 3DS). And yes, I chortled all the way out of the store and to my car, much to Jason's amusement.
My other unnecessary purchase for the day came from Target, I was walking through the DVD section and saw The Mummy Trilogy for ten bucks. I love The Mummy, it's so delightfully cheesy and fun.
I was going to be good and clean my house before starting ToZ... Really, I was. But Thursday dawned cold and grey, and the weather remained crummy all day. The kind of day that was made for playing rpgs and drinking hot beverages. So of course I popped the disc into the PS3. And then had to wait forever fo something to install off the disc. Seriously? I mean, I have a disc, for crying out loud, I shouldn't have to wait for something to install! I miss the days of being able to pop a game into a console and just start playing. I also checked out the dlc, because frequently there's free packs of healing items for the Tales games. There was a bunch of free stuff, so I downloaded that, and then started the game.
My impressions so far: It's a pretty game. The backgrounds are gorgeous, they have that watercolor look to them.
The combat, as in all Tales games, is overly complicated and not explained as well as it could be. I usually flail around and button mash in hopes of pulling off decent combos or special moves. The only Tales games I ever got good at the combat in was Tales of Legendia and Tales of Symphonia on the Game Cube. And this is early yet, so the combat will get more complex and I'll be even more reduced to button mashing. But maybe I'll figure it out. Who knows.
The story is kind of the typical orphan saves the world from evil, but I like that story. The I like the characters so far, too. So far, no obnoxious fake little girl voices that drive me crazy, but I'm not very far in yet.
Well, I have things I need to get accomplished today. If I get enough done, I might be able to get a couple more hours in before I head out to my friends' annual fall party.
I love Game Box. The staff is fantastic, I've never had the "OMG! It's a girl in a video game store!" reaction there, and there's a female staff member who I hit it off with immediately. And there's a back room that usually has some sort of table top game going on.; And did I mention they sell comics?
I rationalized buying ToZ by realizing that I've bought very few games this year, and most of them were used. And it will keep me occupied for a very long time.
Symphonia was my introduction to the series, too. It was one of the first games I got when I bought my Game Cube. I didn't like it at first, so I put it back on the shelf and a year or so later I picked it up and tried it again. Glad I did, because I really enjoyed it. And I've grabbed all the Tales games I can, too. Some I've liked better than others, but I think Symphonia will always be my favorite. The first Xillia may be a close second, though.
Have you gotten Zestiria yet?
I was thinking about waiting about getting Zestiria since I have so many other games to play and review right now. Plus, I like to NOT buy everything, that way I have some ideas to give to people who want to give me Christmas presents. But we'll see.
So how is the music? I heard it was done by my favorite video game music composer: Go Shiina. He also did the music for Legendia. Do the two games sound similar? Also, are there any characters in Zestiria that you think I'd like?
It's been so long since I played Legendia, that I really can't compare the two. And to be honest, I really haven't been paying a whole lot of attention to the music. I'll try harder when I play next. As for who you'd like, I'm not all that far into the game yet, so can't say for sure.
That's part of their charm for me, but we all like different stuff.
Jason and I were commenting on how different an experience it is for me as a woman shopping in Game Box (or the other indie game stores) as opposed to shopping at Game Stop. Jason's been with me at Game Stop on many occasions where he commented after we got back into the car how surprised he was that I didn't haul off and slug the employee for whatever slimey, condescending remark was made, or for not looking me in the eye instead of at my breasts. Actually, I think he may have said to one guy "Hey, her eyes are up here, buddy!"
Are you plnning on getting that new Dragon Quest game?
And I agree, having to download a game when you have a disc is bullshit. I was shocked I had to do that for Arkham Knight yet I have to pop the disc in to play the game? Fuck is that?! I bet they're just trying to push towards digital-only, cause I hardly see how that's necessary. Only upside is the DL takes a lot less time than when it's done over the Internet.
Well, ok the game IS 50GB so maybe not all of it is on the Blu Ray, but still annoying.
No, because it's a PS4 exclusive and I don't have a PS4 or any plans of getting a PS4 in the near future.
I don't think it was the whole game that installed, but whatever it was, it took far longer than I wanted. There really ought to be a warning label on the box telling you that you have to wait for whatever it is to install. That way I'm not disappointed when I can't play my brand new game for twenty minutes after I put the disc in.
It was fun reading your play-by-play of the visit to your local game store. reminds me of my adventures when I had retro game shop near me. and if it makes you feel any better, I'm the same way when it comes to getting games I really want althought maybe I shouldn't buy it just then. At least you can tell yourself that you HAD to do it because it was the last copy. It always feels sweet to get the last one.
How many Tales games have you played and where does Zestiria fit into the series? I'm playing Zestiria on PS4 right now and I don't know what the hell I'm doing!!! I think that if I push up, down, left or right on the Left joystick and O button I do different hidden attacks. I think? I was just mashing O and X for combos, but apparently combining with Joystick movements you can unleash secret attacks? I don't remember the game explaining this? How far are you into the game? I have 3 seraphim in my party so far.
I've played Legendia (PS2), Symphonia (GC), Graces, Xillia, and Xillia 2 (all PS3). Other than the two Xillia games, none of them are really related to each other. As for combat, yes, moving the left stick while pressing X or O will give you different moves. A lot of the combat is explained in the Library section of the menu screen. You can (or at least previous games allowed you to) map certain attacks to different buttons. I haven't really explored that too closely yet, but I probably should... As for where I am in the game, I just woke up at the inn after becoming the Shepherd.
Oh, okay. I'm way ahead of you in the story then. I would push on through because the game story and combat gets better after you've added more characters to your party and explored more of the world and plot. It felt like a slow burn at first, but I feel things have picked up now.
Which was your favorite Tales game and why? Is there a consensus among fans about which game is the best?
I think my favorite is Symphonia, closely followed by Xillia. Cary's is Legendia. Can't speak for anyone else, though.
Yeah, I really only had the one day with the game so far. Work, housecleaning, getting ready for my trip, and my trip kind of took up all my free time for the last week. Hoping to get back to it soon.