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Zesteria, Corpse Party, SWTOR, etc...

On 10/26/2015 at 09:05 PM by asrealasitgets

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Guys, I'm bummed out that I had to cancel this years horror fest game marathon. I've just been busy with new games which wasn't an issue a year ago. This is also a good thing as it means the game industry is healthy and all good. I'll just give a brief update on things...

Samurai Warriors 4-II (PS4)

I've never played these games. This was the first and I really enjoyed it. There is a lot of game here, and I still have half the game to finish. Probably one of the best  if the internet doesn't lie. It was the right series to jump in on, but I've also heard good things about Dragon Quest Heroes, which I also want to play.

Corpse Party Blood Drive (VITA)

This is the 3rd entry in the PSP trilogy, which is a horror adventure game that is sometimes a visual novel? This new game is one part visual novel and one part 3D horror adventure, and the adventuring part is more like 90's console horror like Silent Hill and Resident Evil 1. It's more about escaping a haunted elementary school than fighting things. It's very old school, for better or worse, and y'all know I love me some old school horrors!

Tales of Zesteria (PS4)

This is the first time I've played a Zesteria, which is odd because I've played more Neptunia games and honestly, Tales is far superior to Neptunia, although I find them both to be mediocre JRPGs. Tales has the better combat, characters and overall story. I'm a fan of Tales now. The game is like wonderful anime crack! Crack! I need help!

Undertale (PC)

That Earthbound-like indie game the internet loves right now is pretty good. It is what it is, but the writing keeps me playing more.  

Star Wars The Old Republic (PC)

I started a new character, a Bounty Hunter Imperial just to see the new changes, and I like the game a bit more now. I leveled a lot faster than before, and overall I am cutting enimes down like butter with my duel pistols. I might finish this character if the XP growth rate doesn't suddenly slow down, which kept me from playing last time.  

I also really want to play Assassin's Creed Syndicate, because Victorian London!

Wildstar was fun, but the combat made my hands cramp up. So, goodbye Wildstar! 



Blake Turner Staff Writer

10/26/2015 at 10:15 PM

Are you playing SWToR as a free player?

 I've seen Samurai Warriors around but I never picked it up. What's it like?

 I really need to get corpse party, and undertale.


10/26/2015 at 10:49 PM

I'm playing a free account in SWTOR from lvl 1. I got to lvl 10 in one evening which took much longer when the game first came out if I remember correctly. I have a companion unlocked which makes soloing much easier and I'm about to leave the first planet/area. This took forever in the original game.

Samurai Warriors is a spin-off of Dynasty Warriors except SW takes place in ancient Japan instead of China. It's a simple hack-n-slash 1 vs 100 style gameplay where you fight waves of enemies taking over points on a map until you reach the boss. The one I played is the newest game in SW but it's chapter based and every character uses different weapons, kind of like Soul Caliber. If you like the grind...a lot of people can't stand these games, but I've defended stupid fun before, and that's just what it is.

The other two corpse parties where very different from each other. The first was like a 16-bit adventure game made in RPG maker, but still horror, and the sequel was a visual novel. This new one is a 3D adventure game, like Resident Evil 1 with all the backtracking. Just replace the Spencer Mansion with this elementary school. You have to find keys to doors n stuff and it is very dark. Playing the first two games would help, but not necessary.

Undertale is much better than I though it would be. I couldn't stop playing it. It has a bullet dodging minigame for combat which is really odd, but it is not a passive RPG.  

Cary Woodham

10/27/2015 at 07:33 AM

Tales games are fun.  Try Legendia, that's my favorite one.

I've been hearing a lot about Undertale.  If this keeps up, I forsee it making an appearance on consoles as well.  Looks very Earthbound-ey.


10/27/2015 at 08:10 PM

I'm playing Undertale with a controller on PC, so it would work pretty well on console. 

Matt Snee Staff Writer

10/27/2015 at 11:49 AM

I'm gonna get Zestiria very soon.  They are pretty classy games, with a lot of content.  I dunno about those Neptunia games, never played one. 


10/27/2015 at 08:11 PM

I played a couple of Neptunia games, and they are inbetween action and turn-based, but Tales are more full action like Kingdom Hearts almost. So many wierd sub-genres in JRPGs. 


10/27/2015 at 01:17 PM

I like the Samurai Warriors games. They are a lot of fun and there are a bunch of them to try. Star Wars Old Republic sounds like fun but I'm not into MMO's. 


10/27/2015 at 08:13 PM

I liked the only Warriors game I played, but it seems to have had the newest combat in the series, so I think going back to other games would be quite tricky. 

SWTOR is more like a single player RPG now, you can solo the whole thing and enjoy the story and the MMO bits aren't as annoying as they were in the past, the grindy parts. I'd give it a try if you have a decent PC. It's free to play.  


10/28/2015 at 10:33 AM

I think my PC laptop can handle it. I just checked and it is available on the Mac, but it's $10. If my PC can't handle it, I'll try it on the Mac. 


10/27/2015 at 04:00 PM

I just heard talk of Dragon Quest Heroes on the Axe of the Blood God podcast. I like that they kept some of the RPG elements in it, but it's not saying, "buy a PS4" to me. The mention of Dragon Quest XI, a full RPG, maybe out in 2016, does say that to me.


10/27/2015 at 08:15 PM

Out of curiousity, what game would make you "buy a PS4"? For me it was a Persona 5 and I was bummed to find out it won't release until later next year? DQ11 is also coming out on WiiU, but happy to see a full DQ game coming to console!


10/28/2015 at 04:31 PM

Well, that DQ XI for sure, but initially I wanted one for Killzone Shadowfall. I even bought the game this year in anticipation of my console purchase. A new Ratchet & Clank game would entice me. The updated Earth Defence Force 4.1 makes me want one, but that game is best in co-op and my co-op buddy doesn't have the funds for a PS4. I'd have to get two, but believe me, I'm considering it. Bloodborne is a must have when I get one. I'm still an Xbox fan, so it would have to be somthing exclusive to PS4.


11/01/2015 at 12:13 PM

Liking Zestiria for sure.

If you dig Samurai Warriors, I'd suggest Dragon Quest Heroes, which is made by the same company in conjunction with Square Enix and Armor Project. That's the best game Omega Force has ever made IMHO.


11/01/2015 at 06:55 PM

Actually, I was thinking of getting into Dragon Quest Heroes after Samurai Warriors as well as the Zelda one for WiiU. I think the latest Warriors game was the most updated, combat-wise. 


11/03/2015 at 11:44 AM

I'm liking Zestiria a lot, but my favorite Tales game remains Symphonia. The first Xillia was a close second, though.

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