PS3 has a crapload of good games! Have fun with that. Nice to hear from you again!
I've been asleep for too long!
On 10/29/2015 at 09:43 AM by C.S.3590SquadLeader See More From This User » |
Greetings and salutations, it's certainly been a while hasn't it? Lots of stuff has gone on, most of which I don't want to mention, but one thing I do is that I finally managed to get my hands on a PS3! It used to belong to my older brother, but he traded up for a PS4 and was kind enough to give me his old launch-model PS3, so now I don't have to rely on a busted PS2 in order to play some good games. I've also been playing and enjoying Citizens of Earth whenever I can find the time to play it, such a fun game.
Hope everyone's doing alright!