The tradition continues...
Hello everyone, how have you been? Hope you all have/had a great Halloween! Every year on Halloween, I play Luigi's Mansion and go through the whole game in one sitting. I remember mentioning that my Nintendo Wii stopped reading discs, and unfortunately can't play Gamecube games anymore. I actually planned to stream a playthrough of Luigi's Mansion this year, but my Wii had other ideas. I thought that I couldn't continue the tradition anymore, but actually someone last year, as well as my little brother made a suggestion...

I managed to continue the tradition with Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, the sequel to the original. I had to actually play this a few weeks in advance on October because this game is longer than the original.
The game has 5 mansions and each mansion has its own levels with their own requirements to meet the goal. If you've played MGS: Peace Walker then you'll know what I'm talking about. Each mansion is themed, like one is a traditional mansion, while another takes you through an enormous tree, and another one in a snowy mountain.
While it's not as good as the original, it does have variety and it never gets boring for me. Most of all I had alot of fun. There's plenty of moments that made me laugh and smile, and it really makes good use of the 3D effect.
On another note, I remember saying that how my Gamecube died many years ago. I found the cables for it a few days ago and decided to hook it up. Funny story, I remember 6 years ago that my Wii couldn't read certain GCN discs. I remember buying this disc cleaning liquid at Gamestop and they worked after I used it. I decided to give it a shot on Luigi's Mansion. Unfortunately it didn't work on the Wii. I decided to try the disc on the Gamecube, since what harm could it do? Well it actually read the disc, instead of trying another game, I just played the game instead, rushing through in case it stopped for good. Which is also why this post is rather late. It did give me a few read errors, but managed to beat it. I got a photo, but unfortunately I couldn't upload a picture of my score since I used my good camera and N3DS uses a microSD.
Instead here is a clear game screenshot I took from Miiverse with Luigi and his ghost puppy Polterpup...

All in all, I actually continued my tradition with some new tweaks. Maybe next year I can stream a playthrough if I have the right equipment. I will try to post the clear game picture I took if I can.
So, how was your Halloween? What did you do? Thanks for reading and Happy Halloween and Happy Dia de los Muertos.