I really need to try a Castlevania game at some point. Ditto Kirby games. And Triforce Heroes looks like a lot of fun.
October 2015 Recap
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Games Beaten
-Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (original version) (PSP)
This game has just about everything you could want from a classic Castlevania. The sprite work looks great, the music is awesome, and the levels are varied and challenging. There are often multiple exits to the levels, sometimes with completely different bosses, and there are two playable characters (though I haven't touched the Maria side of things yet). I finished with 62% complete, so there is certainly more I could do. A great game for Halloween!
Games Bought
October was a very light month for purchases (never a bad thing!). We bought two copies of The Legend of Zelda: TriForce Heroes (3DS) so we could play multiplayer with my brother and so far it's been really fun. I also picked up a couple games from one of the PSN sales, Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (PSN) chief among them. I've wanted to play this one for a long time. I also nabbed BloodRayne and BloodRayne 2 (PS2 Classics). I'd always heard they weren't very good but I've recently come across some dissenting opinions about that and decided to try them for myself since they were so cheap.
PS+ had some interesting games in October, like Broken Age and Super Meat Boy (both PS4/Vita). There was also Chariot (PS3), which sounds like a fun co-op game, Kung Fu Rabbit (PS3/Vita) (great title!), Unmechanical: Extended (PS4/Vita), and KickBeat (PS3/Vita).
Now Playing
-The Legend of Zelda: TriForce Heroes (3DS)
Four Sword Adventures is the natural comparison for this game but they're really quite different. The levels are smaller and there is a greater emphasis on working together. It's a lot of fun and I can't wait to play some more.
-Destiny: The Taken King (PS4)
Still been playing a lot of this. I haven't completed the new raid, despite a couple of attempts (it's hard!) but there is no shortage of cool things to do. They had a neat in-game Halloween-like festival this last week that let you get masks of various characters, including some of the big bosses :)
-Kirby's Return to Dream Land (Wii)
My wife and didn't play this for a couple of weeks but we recently picked it back up and are on world 5. Not much longer now!
-Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call (3DS)
There are so many songs in this game! I still haven't played a lot of them but I did recently unlock a cool series medley written specifically for this game
-The Walking Dead: Season One (Vita)
Started playing this for Halloween but haven't been able to put much time to it. Have only made it through episode 1. It's really good though. Very tense! I've already had to make several life or death decisions.
-Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP)
The old standby! Progress has been slow lately because the game refuses to give us the crafting materials we need But we're not far from the endgame and postgame content...if we ever start moving forward again...