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What Are Your Favorite (non-realistic) Graphics?

On 11/08/2015 at 06:10 PM by Matt Snee

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My question today is for the graphics whores inside us, but not for what a lot of people consider "good" graphics. I'm talking about games that are nontraditional, expressionistic, cartoon-like, or otherwise non-realistic in their graphical design.  

For me, I'd have to go with The Wind Waker. From the vibrant blue waves, to the clouds of smoke that come when you destroy an enemy, this is one of the most beautiful games ever made. It was certainly made more pretty by the HD upgrade, but the base game will always look pretty timeless.

Another game I think is pretty timeless in its graphics is Super Mario World.  Not as technically good looking as the NSMB games of course, but the way it looks will always be understandable and enjoyable by new generations of gamers, unlike some of the NES games and unlike some other SNES games.  Super Mario World just looks perfect.  

Runners up would have to be Valkyria Chronicles and Skyward Sword.  I love watercolor looks, and I really enjoyed the graphics of these games.  

So what say you?  What non-traditional graphics do you consider the best?? 



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