Spikes I thought were in the game. Maybe we're thinking of different kinds of spikes. They have spike balls from what I've seen.
Top 6 Things Super Mario Maker Needs
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![]() On 11/23/2015 at 10:31 AM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
So, I'm a bit late to the party, but lately, I've been playing Super Mario Maker pretty much non stop. Unfortunately, while it is quite good, it's also designed by crazy shut ins who haven't stepped outside since hating hansen was relevant.
6. Slopes
Remember these things that have been in your game since SMB3? Remember how fun it was to slide around on, and how much they really allowed levels to speed up? Yeah, so does every other Nintendo fan. So fucking fix this.
Also, where the fuck are spikes?
5. More World Types
Hey Nintendo, where the fuck is the desert tileset? You know, that thing that's been in most mario games? What about a tropical tileset? Or a candy or carnival tileset? Hell, this is one of the few inclusions on this list I'd be happy to pay for with DLC. More map variety please!
4. Checkpoints!
Yes, there are checkpoints in the game now, but we need more! One per level is not enough! When I make levels, I don't want the player to feel like they're losing progress, especially when it's not my fault. I haven't played the new mario games so I don't know whether this is a problem they've fixed, but if not, look to Rayman Legends. See how many checkpoints are in that game? Yeah, Nintendo, get your shit together.
3. Incentives to Explore
Give us some fucking stars or red coins or something. I spend far too much time putting secrets into my level knowing no one will ever even look for them. This is something they worked out with Mario 64 for fuck's sake. No one cares about 1-ups. NOBODY.
2. World Map
You know what would help stop the 2 billion ridiculously difficult levels and the 19 billion auto mario levels? The ability to make a world. You don't need to let us make a whole game, I'd be happy with 8 levels. Then I wouldn't feel like I'm wasting my time when making easier levels.
1. Someone Sane to Come in and Completely Change FUCKING EVERYTHING about how searching for levels works:
Okay, this one probably won't happen because Nintendo are like my grandfather: terrible at using the internet and too stubborn to accept help, but Jesus Christ it needs work. Why can't I just automatically see all the levels my friends have made? Why can't I search levels by name? Why isn't there an easier way to filter levels by type, tileset, game, etc. Why can't Nintendo stop sniffing their own farts for 3 seconds, play little big planet, and come back with a sensible fucking level sorting system?