So these days it seems to me that card games on all console fronts are not as populated with card games as it use to be, now I have been playing card games since the 80s and a big fan of Magic the gathering a card game that I played even back before card games took to consoles, with that said games on the consoles were popular for a while namely Magic and Yu Gi Oh and I play both, its so funny when a grown man 47 years old gets a game of Yu Gi Oh going on Xbox live Arcade and these youngsters cant beleive,that got whipped by a guy my age,and well im really good at making destuctive decks,why?? cause I love strategy, now keep in mind I could care less for the Yu Gi Oh cartoon or whos who in the world of Yu Gi Oh but the actual game is fun and I can blame Magic the gathering for
But are card games a dying breed on consoles well im sure not as many as there was two or three years ago but I hope not,im not sure if many of you with the card game Culdcept on the ps2 or Culdcept Saga on the Xbox 360 now the concept behind this game was amazing who could have thought of a magic slash monopoly highbrid game,and again it involves deck building and this is where card games thrive creating your own themed or strategy decks are half the fun in games,and I must admit the game is addicting and although Culdcept Saga for the 360 has been out almost as long as the 360 theres still a huge fanbase, dont beleive me go to culdcept and see for yourself yes you can go online and wont find a match to save your life but add the freinds list from culdcept central and you will find plenty of people to play with.
Heres another Xbox Live Arcade card game Panzer General now this is another awesome card game to where your strategy revolves around deck building,in this game you set up a game board and take turns rolling dice and using cards to battle kind of like chess, another great concept involving cards,the card are used as strategy and can be traded for presteige points in where you can use more cards or use cards to get bonuses to increase your damage on dice rolls,well anyway im not here to talk about this game, im just generalizing how cards are involved,but its another example of card games.
Then theres my favorite card game of all time Magic the Gathering and although its an awesome game on XBLA, why they
refuse to let you build your decks is beyond me cause in the ps2 classic battle mage they let you build your decks which made the game awesome but at thaat time it was mainly a campaign game and accesable to online like the games today, but again its Wizards of the Coast way of making money by selling premade decks which to me seems like the wrong way to do it for if they were to sell booster packs like they do in real life, not only would it bring more players but would bring more money from sales of boosters which I personally would purchase. But then again maybe they know what there doing.
At any rate card games are hopefully not a dying breed cause its a huge part of my gaming, personally I own every Yu Gi Oh game out on the ps2 and 360 and I own just about every kind of card game from Magic to Panzer general to Culdcept for ps2 and Culdcept Saga for the 360, and as long as they keep coming out with card based games I will continue to buy and support the cause. And Im not sure how most of you all feel about these types of games,but anyone who,s a strategest at heart should like deck building games and if not try them you may find theres a whole other genere to explore.