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Chris Goes All Video Game Resolutions To End 2015

On 12/31/2015 at 11:17 AM by goaztecs

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Good morning and Happy last day of 2015 Pixlpeeps! It has been a couple of days since we have last spoken but I am back and I thought I would update you on what has been going on since the last time we spoke to today. I hope you folks got to spend time with family, friends, eat good food, get lots of rest, play some games, and maybe received some goodies from a chubby guy in a red suit. Since the start of the New Year is only a couple of hours away I felt it was time to do my usual cleaning of the gadgets. I removed the games I wasn’t playing on both the iPad and the Android Tablet, making way for stuff I would play and freeing up some disc space. This is also the time I move my folder of 2015 blogs to the reserve hard drive and create a whole new 2016 folder. I do this move with my laptops as well and usually I would also reinstall everything else and have a clean computer for the New Year. This year I’m going to skip that step for both the Macbook, and the two PC laptops because I don’t want to deal with it, plus I finally got Windows 10 setup to where I can actually find things. Since this is the last blog of 2015 I thought it would be a good time to share my Gaming Resolutions for 2016!


Buying Games: I am going to try and cut back on buying games this year. I’ve said it in the past and I end up usually starting Quick Hits blogs with “While roaming around Target…” but this one I want to stick to this year. I want to save some cash for a new tech toy for later in the year but I can’t justify buying it unless I save the money and besides with the crazy backlog I have I won’t miss out on any games. 

Mount Backlog: Let’s face it; I have a bunch of games I have not finished. Heck we all do, and I applaud you folks who finish your games. 2016 for me means to actually finish the games I own. Play them, and enjoy them. What good are they if they just sit on shelves? I’d like to get my game collection to be closer to 50/50 by year’s end to at least have some progress.


My Backloggery Page slaps me in the face with it all the time. 65% of my collection stands as unfinished. Will I ever finish these games? Probably not. There are some games I won’t play like old iPod, Android, and console games that I own that are more for collection than anything else (I’m looking at you old sports titles, and really bad trivia iPod/Android trivia games.)

Update My Gaming Sites: I don’t know if my Backloggery is up to date with my collection. I signed up for HowLongToBeat so I can keep track of my games in 2016 but I would like to keep the Backloggery Up to Date.


Well those are my gaming resolutions. Do you good people have any?


I have to say I haven’t played as much as I usually would but I did manage to take down a game


I finished Band Hero before Christmas. I played through the career mode, which led me through the game’s music library. Earlier I said that I really didn’t care for some of the songs, but at a certain point I hit a groove where even the slow songs I didn’t care for got a bit challenging, which made them more enjoyable.

Band Hero is your typical Guitar Hero game where you play a number of songs to complete a venue, and then you move on to a new venue. You can unlock celebrities like Taylor Swift, and the members of No Doubt, along with instruments, and looks. I didn’t care for customizing my band so I went with the default look. For you trophy hunters, they are simple to get, and if you play through the library you will unlock the majority of them in one play through. The rest of them are multiplayer stuff with a couple needing a full band.

Overall I enjoyed the game, and because of it I started Guitar Hero Hits, which is basically the Greatest Hits of Guitar Hero. I think this game was mailed in because the older songs from the first game feel like the developers just used everything from the first GH game.


I finished this rhythm game yesterday during lunch


I have to say this game is interesting. There is a lot of options to hang out, and dress your character, which wasn’t my cup of tea so I went with something simple and didn’t mess with it afterwards. There are also items that are given to your character by other characters. I didn’t know how this happened but it was cool to receive items and hints about gameplay.

Speaking of gameplay there are two ways to play the rhythm section: tapping on buttons, or using the stylus. For my first play through I went with tapping on buttons because it felt more like older rhythm games I’m used to. There are I think 48 songs, with each song having three difficulty modes each for tap and stylus. The rhythm line is different from other rhythm games in that it isn’t in a static location. It follows random paths presented with a music video of your character in the background. The presentation is colorful, and the music sounds good for the 3DS. My one gripe with the game is that on the main menu, the icon for the rhythm game seems like an afterthought because it is a small button on the side of the screen instead of being in the center. I would imagine fans of the series like the option of decorating the house, and dressing/spending time with the character more than the actual rhythm game.

I enjoyed the game but at the same time its not a series I would jump on the sequel and play. It’s a fun experience but the Franchise just isn’t for me.


I have another game I am close to finishing (on the last chapter) but I might just save that for tomorrow, and have it be my first completed game of 2016.


Before I let you good people go, the SDSU Student Section named The Show, debuted this banner when the Aztecs played Kansas last week


I saw this on Facebook and I thought you folks would enjoy the nod to the NES.


Well 2015, it was fun, but I’m ready for 2016! Happy New Year Pixlbit!


That’s all for now, more later!




Super Step Contributing Writer

12/31/2015 at 12:12 PM

Happy New Year! I have a similar resolution for buying games, as I need to budget in general. 


12/31/2015 at 02:35 PM

Happy New Year! 2016 should be the year of saving some cash! 


01/01/2016 at 12:39 AM

Happy New Year! Hawk Hunt! Awesome! I have a resolution to not buy anything day-one and instead just list them in my database. Then I'm trying to work through my games, shortest to longest, and trade them to save money and reduce the space they're taking up. I was going fine until last week when my friend started playing Skylanders. I had to join in and now I'm hooked and probably won't stop until I've played all five Skylanders games. Well, they're on my backlog too, so it's all good. I'm working on my handheld games as well. 


01/05/2016 at 07:09 PM

Happy New Year! I like playing games shortest to longest. The games I've currently tackled/almost finished are shorter games which makes it easier to take off Mount Backlog. The Hawk Hunt banner is so freaking awesome. Props to The Show for making another awesome banner. 


01/01/2016 at 10:12 AM

Happy New Year. I was looking at my download list on PSN the other day and even if I take away old issues of QOR and demos (That I wish I could delete) there are over 800 digital games just sitting there. My numbers for physical are decreasing as they continue to sell but I still have 200 or so. I also have hundreds of games on Steam and GOG

I really don't need any more games but I have a feeling I'll be buying a few in 2016.


01/05/2016 at 07:11 PM

Happy New Year! I don't even want to look at the PS+ games that I have added to the backlog. There are a ton. 

I know of at least one game I will be getting in 2016 and that's because I pre-ordered it back in June, the latest Lego Marvel game. 


01/01/2016 at 12:52 PM

Reducing buying games is a resolution for me too.  I have been buying a lot of PS3 games lately becuause they are so cheap (i.e. South Park: Stick of Truth for $6, Bayonetta (PS3) for $5...etc.). I have a bad habit of buying and not playing as it sounds like we all do.


01/05/2016 at 07:12 PM

I bought that South Park game a couple of weeks ago too. I tried a bit but haven't touched it since I'll probably get to it later on in the year. It's hard to not pick up PS3 games right now because they are so cheap and I know soon they will be hard to find complete. 

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