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Quick Hits: Chris Goes All Other Resolutions To Start 2016

On 01/01/2016 at 12:49 PM by goaztecs

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Happy New Year Pixlpeeps! It is 2016 so keep an eye out when you write the dates for the next couple of weeks. It is a new year and I am ready to continue in taking down games from Mount Backlog, but I also have a couple of resolutions for my Quick Hits blogs. The gaming side can’t have all the fun, and besides I think this will make a better Chris. Let’s get started with Quick Hits!


Chris’ Other Resolutions


Listen to every song in the iTunes library: Sounds simple enough, and I’ve had this goal for a couple of years now. I’ve been close, but I’ve never actually listened to every song in my library. As of yesterday I have 15, 307 tracks that have zero plays. This number will drop a little bit because I am currently listening to an album. My overall goal is to have the songs I like from my library in playlists that I can look through and pull songs I want for smaller mode playlists like “Summer”, “Walking Around”, etc. iTunes says that it will take me a little over a month to listen 24 hours a day. If I listen to at least 12 new songs a day I should finish it off.

Read More: A couple of years ago I took the Goodreads Challenge and read a book a month and finished with I think 14. Three of those books was the Hunger Games, which I really enjoyed on my morning walks. I’d like to continue this and read more. I’ll stick with my book a month pace because that way I didn’t have to stress about not having enough time, and I’d like to finish the last Game of Thrones book I have.

Improve at Photography: I have to admit, it has become a fun hobby, and I want to get better at it. Early on taking notes, and taking tons of shots while tinkering with settings was interesting but I’d like cut down a bit on the tinkering and I want to setup shots. I think this will come with practice, and I’m excited to take some new shots.


Chris Takes Pictures

These shots are from the Christmas Lunch with the family that I wanted to share


Here is the place setting that we didn’t use


Its all for show, we ate on normal plates. The setting was all for Facebook magic.


These guys snuck into a couple of shots. They also snuck into the regular pictures 


A couple of food shots (I told people I made the pork belly. It’s actually from Whole Foods)


If you are ever by a Whole Foods, check out their deli in the hot foods section. This stuff is freaking awesome and cost as much as a combo meal at McDonalds.

The Prime Rib.


Here is some Lumpia (a Filipino version of a Spring Roll), buttery mashed potatoes, and asparagus with Brussel Sprouts.

Thanks for looking at my pictures!


Santa Gave Me A Game (And Some Cool Stuff, But I'm Sharing The Game Here)


Borderlands! Funny thing about Borderlands is that this version on PS4, I don’t get dizzy. Either I’m used to the First Person mode, or I really like Borderlands. Either way I’m currently playing through the Pre Sequel. I downloaded my character from the Vita version into the PS4 version. I’ll probably start a new character just to grab those trophies.



Two days ago I hit the local mom & pop and they restocked their $1.99 Buy 5 Get 3 Free section


I’m starting to pickup the DualDisc’s if I see them. They were an interesting concept where one side was a typical CD, while the other side was a DVD that has the DVD Audio version of the album, along with music videos, interviews, and other random items. I found that this Natasha Beddingfield album has a completely different track list than the regular CD that I have (same songs just different order). I also dig that the DualDiscs come in a sturdy CD jewel case. Also apparently I never bought this Katharine McPhee album. I think this was the debut album after American Idol.


Hitch for a couple of songs. I rewatched Charlie’s Angels last week and I didn’t realize how bad the second film is. Anyways I forgot how much I liked the 70s songs from the original flick so this was a must get.


I took a chance on Desperado. Its FREAKING TERRIBLE! Oh well. Apparently I already own Wayne’s World.


You remember Rob Base right? The single It Takes Two with DJ Eazy Rock? Anyways this is the follow up to the album that It Takes Two came from. I never heard it but I listened to it yesterday and I really enjoyed it because it sounds late 80s early 90s rap. As for Kraftwerk I just wanted to check it out.


From the freebie bin I got


Bee Gees One Night Only and Janis Joplin. Both CDs have surfce scratches but play just fine.  


Alright Pixlbit, there’s a parade I should be watching, so I shall end this blog here. Have a good start to 2016 and remember when you’re writing the date its 16 now.


That’s all for now, more later!




Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/01/2016 at 01:11 PM

Nice photos.  I've been making a big effort to read more too.  I've been reading a lot of nonfiction in research for my book, but I've been reading a little fiction too.  I really love reading, I don't know how I went without it for so long.  

Happy new year!


01/05/2016 at 11:44 AM

Thank you sir! Good stuff on reading more. At some point I'll get back into actually reading but for right now my Audiobook is keeping me busy. Hopefully I finish it by the end of next week. 


01/01/2016 at 03:45 PM

Food looks incredible. Particularly that Prime Rib. *drooool*


01/05/2016 at 11:45 AM

Thanks and it was sooooo good. One of the perks of family get togethers is eating tons of good stuff. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/01/2016 at 09:11 PM

Mmmm food. I have similar 2016 goals, though I just want to mark my favorite songs since space is limited (I've heard my itunes library plenty since it's mostly CDs from middle/high school). I bought The Handsome Collection for $24 on PS4 Holiday Sale. I would have expected Desperado to be full of great Spanish guitar. 


01/05/2016 at 11:54 AM

You would think that about Desperado, heck that was the main reason why I picked it up. That's what I get for just picking it up and not looking through the tracklist. Speaking of limited space, I really need to look at a bigger external hard drive for my laptop. The iTunes library is going to fill the dang thing up. How do you like the Handsome Collection?

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/06/2016 at 05:46 PM

Yet to play it, only played BL once it was 2 and at a charity event. Only played maybe a level or two. Downloaded the collection today, hoping to get my buddy on some two player.


01/07/2016 at 10:38 AM

Oh ok. Borderland 2 is really fun and I like the pop culture refrences. Pre Sequel doesn't have the same excitement for me, but I haven't really played a lot of it yet (maybe 1-2 hours)


01/02/2016 at 04:19 AM

I go to Whole Foods often. I've been making meals out of their hot bar a lot. I made an excellent Indian lunch for myself the other day. 

I want more Kraftwerk albums. 


01/05/2016 at 11:56 AM

Oh their hot bar is so good. I stick to the roasted chicken, with a little mac and cheese, and a serving of mashed potatoes.

That's my first Kraftwerk album. One of the vinyl pickup videos I watch on Youtube, the author always seems to pick up stuff by them so I thought I'd give it a try. 


01/09/2016 at 11:52 AM

I'm curious about the lumpia. What are they filled with?

I failed my Goodreads challenge last year by 13 books. Going to do better this year.


01/20/2016 at 10:35 AM

Lumpia is filled with shredded chicken (or beef), cabbage, I think carrots and stuff. think Spring Rolls but fried. 

Last year I don't think I attempted to read a book. This year I'm almost done with my first book (but I started it in December)


01/20/2016 at 08:07 PM

Yum. They sound delicious.

I'm almost two down so far, reading three at the same time. Can get confusing...


01/21/2016 at 12:12 PM

Its good stuff. 

Yeah I'd get confused. I haven't touched my audiobook in a couple of days, and I really need to catch up. I'm roughly 75% finished and the story is getting good. 

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