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2015 in Review

On 01/06/2016 at 10:29 AM by The Last Ninja

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It was a really great year. I was able to beat more games this year than last, which was my goal. I finished a total of 27 games! Most of these were retro games, but some of them were also new ones. All of these games are worth beating, btw. Here they are in the order in which I beat them. 


Nightmare Busters (SNES)

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This was an old game that was never finished, so a development team picked it up and finished it. It's expensive, but a good game. It's also really hard! I had to play the game on Easy to beat it, but I still consider it beaten (the length of the game is the same). You can read my review of it here

Tekken 3 (PS1)

This is one of my favorite fighting games. I consider a game like this "beaten" when you unlock all the characters, and in a game as fun as this, it was a joy to unlock all the characters, especially since some of them are just crazy. 


Super Mario 3D World (Wii U)

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Wow! I can't say enough good things about this game. I was able to play this game with my nephews, and we had a blast. Everything is so polished--gameplay, graphics, music, and the level design is wonderful. The cat suit is also a fantastic power-up, one of the best in the Mario games. For those of you on the fence about getting a Wii U, this game is a great reason to get one. 

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)

I love the old Sonic games. This year I tried to beat the Genesis games, but the only one I could beat was this one (Sonic 1 and Sonic & Knuckles were too brutal). I think this one holds up well. It's still fun to zoom through the levels at supersonic speeds. 


Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U)

I really enjoyed this game. At first, I was worried it would be too hard to beat, but it wasn't as hard as I thought. Levels are designed with great care, and the bosses were also very interesting. The different partners also gave the game good variety. Overall, I think this is probably the best DKC game out of them all. 

Elite Beat Agents (DS)

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I love rhythm games, and EBA was no exception. The hilarious stories and great songs made this game so addictive and fun. The game has a lot of charm to go along with the great music. And that last song! Wow, hard stuff, but with enough determination, I beat it!!! Really great game. Some even say this is the #1 game on the DS. 


Yoshi's Island (SNES)

I was so fortunate to find a cart of this game at a game store and I didn't hesitate to get it. Wow! This one gets a lot of love, and all the praise is not overrated! From beginning to end, everything is a joy. Level design is so creative, and the bosses are very memorable. This has quickly become one of my favorite games, and I can't recommend it enough. 

Sonic: Triple Trouble (3DS VC)

I played this for Retro Game of the Week. It's a Game Gear game, and it's decent. It certainly doesn't compete with the Genesis games, but it's still fun. I found it rather easy, which is why I was able to beat it. 

Mighty Switch Force 2 (Wii U eShop)

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Last year I beat the first MSF and this year I beat the second one on the Wii U. It's more of the same, but they added the element of a water gun which can be used to put out fires. As always, the levels had great puzzles and lots of charm. Really enjoyed this one. To me, WayForward can do no wrong. 


Shadow Dancer (Genesis)

I love Shinobi games, although they're usually brutally tough. To my surprise, this game wasn't, and I was able to beat it! It wasn't a long game, but it was fun and very cool. 

NES Remix Pack (Wii U)

I love NES games, so this game was a no-brainer for me when I bought my Wii U. I got the pack, which includes both remixes. Certain games were more enjoyable than others, but overall, the little missions were really addicting, and the remixed challenges were great. This game is a great homage to classic Nintendo NES games. 

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call (3DS)

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For a long time, I wanted to get Theatrhythm, and then I found the sequel, so I picked it up. This game was such a nostalgia trip for me because I love the FF soundtracks. As with most rhythm games, this was an addicting game. "Just one more song!" Beating it was not a problem, it was a joy. Unlocking new characters from different FF games was also really neat. Great game. 


Suikoden (PS1)

This was the only RPG I beat this year, and I wasn't sure what to expect. Well, I was pleasantly surprised. There are over 100 characters! The game isn't hard nor is it very long (I finished at 23 hours, but I also avoided some side quests). The game is quite linear, but besides that, it's very good. You can read my review of it here

Super Metroid (SNES)

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I've played Super Metroid many times, but I've never played all the way through to the end. So I decided to do that, and WOW, what a game! This game holds up perfectly! The incredible story (which is almost wordless), the beautiful graphics, the haunting music, and the fantastic exploration--it all comes together for one of the best games ever. 


Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

I am so proud of myself for beating this game because the last world is really hard! I died a lot, but I was determined to finish, and I'm glad I did. SMB3 is nothing short of spectacular, even today. IGN recently named it as the #1 game of all time. That's quite a title to hold for an NES game! 

F-Zero X (N64)

I love the F-Zero series, and this game is probably my favorite installment. The tracks, the cars, the music, they're all so great. It's not a difficult game, but it can be challenging. I was really surprised at how fun the game still was--it looks a little dated, but it's still really fun, and that says a lot. 


Spider-Man (PS1)

I had nostalgic memories of this game, so I quicky picked it up when I saw it at a game store. Being the very first 3D Spider-Man game, it's surprising how good it is. BUT it is also really hard. Some of the levels are a little confusing, and a few boss fights are just brutal (the giant Mysterio boss fight is crazy hard). But I persisted and beating this game was very satisfying. 

The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (Wii U VC)

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I completely missed this game when it came out back in the day, so I was happy to try it out. I discovered it was an overlooked gem. Minish Cap is fun, creative, whimsical, and colorful. The different overworld areas are full of life, and the dungeons have some very smart puzzles and enemies alike. As a Zelda fan, I was glad to beat this game and add it to the others I've finished. 


The Amazing Spider-Man (Wii U)

I got this game for my birthday, and I wasn't sure if it was any good. But I'm happy to report that it was a great game. As with many modern games, some of the sections of the game were cinematic spectacles, as if you were watching a movie. But I found them quite enjoyable. There were also a lot of stealth sections, which were kind of a copy from the Batman Arkham games, but they worked well. The last part of the game was especially exciting. Overall very good. That's two Spider-Man games in one year. 

World of Illusion (Genesis)

I played this game for a Retro Game of the Week review. It's a great game as you play as Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck using a magic carpet as your weapon. The game is very easy, but still fun and imaginative. The graphics are also very colorful. 

Pokemon Snap (N64)

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It's surprising how much I loved this game based on its premise: photography, which doesn't seem very exciting. However, each level had hidden Pokemon and other things that made you come back again to see what you could find. Taking pictures of Pokemon was so much fun! And the end of the game was perfect as you tried to get a good shot of Mew, who was like the final boss. PS stands out as a wonderfully unique game for the N64. 

Batman: Arkham City (Wii U)

I loved the first Batman Arkham game, so I was really excited to play this one, which often gets praised for being the best in the series. Well, I wasn't disappointed! The story and characters alone were awesome, but add the fluid combat and great stealth missions and you've got an amazing action game. It was also great to be able to play as Catwoman, Robin, and Nightwing. 


Spin Master (Wii VC)

This is a really fun arcade game that I played for Retro Game of the Week. It's an over-the-top action game that's two player co-op. Bizarre! And that's why it's so great. 

Yoshi's Woolly World (Wii U)

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I was really hyped for this game, and I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. Not difficult, but not necessarily a "kiddy game" either. It was just fun. And the art style is just beautiful and so inventive. The game also pays great respects to its predecessor, Yoshi's Island. I'm glad I was able to beat both games this year. 


The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (3DS)

I wasn't sure what I would think of this one. I bought it to play with my brother and sister-in-law, and we had a great time. I found myself playing it all the time. This is a great co-op game, but I did get frustrated when I had to play with someone who clearly didn't know what they were doing. Some missions I played alone. The outfits are adorable, and it can be addicting as you try to get as many as possible. Overall, a great game with plenty of Zelda stuff and oozes of charm. 


Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GCN)

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Last year I beat Prime 3, this year I decided to take on the tough one. 2 is considered the worst of the trilogy, but it's still a good game. The light world/dark world thing was neat, and some of the bosses were very creative and different. Some parts of the game were tedious, and a few of the bosses were very hard, but overall I enjoyed this one. Now I've finally beaten all the Prime games. 

Duck Tales Remastered (Wii U)

Of all the developers, WayFoward seems to know best how to make great remakes. This game is a wonderful recreation of the original NES game, complete with the original voice actors. The graphics were beautiful, and the music was awesome (as usual). Also, some sections of the game were tough, testing your reflexes, making the finish of the game even more satisfying. 

The Game Room

Another thing that happened in 2015 was that I transformed a room in my house into "the game room." This is the room I use to play all my different game consoles, and so I decorated it properly. Check it out! 


                                  Entering the Game Room (bed on left, sofa on right)


I went through my issues of Nintendo Power and tore out my favorite posters. These are on the back wall of the room just above the sofa (where I sit to play games). 


                             More posters on the walls as you leave the game room


I put up these shelves above the TV to show off my amiibo, but as you can see, I use them for other knick-knacks too. 


               The first shelf is for Mario Maker and Yoshi's Woolly World stuff (for now)


      The second shelf is showing off some of my amiibo collection (I can't fit them all up there)

And that's my game room! Hope you like it!



Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/06/2016 at 10:36 AM

Holy Moses that comforter is awesome!  

The Last Ninja

01/06/2016 at 04:13 PM

My sister made it for me for Christmas. Incredible, right? I love the thing. 

Cary Woodham

01/06/2016 at 01:21 PM

You beat some tough games!  Tropical Freeze and F-Zero X are especially difficult!

I have Triforce Heroes, but I haven't played it much because it's hard to get people to play it with me.

Glad you got to play Yoshi's Island and Woolly World.  Yoshi's Island is one of my favorite Mario games ever, and Woolly World scored high on my Best Games of 2015 Awards Show!  Speaking of which, I'd like to encourage you to go read my Game of the Year blog I just posted.  Have a great day!

The Last Ninja

01/06/2016 at 04:15 PM

I would consider Yoshi's Island a Yoshi game (not a Mario game) since the mechanics are different from a mario game. That's getting technical, I know. But yeah, both yoshi games were fantastic. 


01/06/2016 at 04:07 PM

Nice game room. I play sitting in a computer chair, and I think it's not so good for my neck as it doesn't have a head rest. I should play from a couch like what you have. 

I really want to play Woolly World. I love the design of it.

The Last Ninja

01/06/2016 at 04:17 PM

My couch is very comfy. Plus I can play with the Mario blanket over my legs during winter, which is even better!

I know you'll love Woolly World. It's a really fun game. 


01/07/2016 at 12:51 PM

Recetly beat the main story from 3D World and overall, I loved the game. Don't think it's better than 64 and/or the Galaxy games, but it's definitely an improvement over 3D Land in many ways.

SMB 3 I love but currently have on a limbo since due to I think a blackout happening while I was playing (or perhaps accidentally pressing reset on the Wii), I lost all the progress I had (I was on World 6), so I don't feel like I want to recover from that and do everything from scratch.

That's a pretty damn awesome room.

The Last Ninja

01/07/2016 at 07:14 PM

Thanks! I loved 3D World. Honestly, I enjoy all the 3D mario games. That's too bad about SMB3. Take a little time and then try it again. The levels are short, so it shouldn't take too long for you to catch up. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/08/2016 at 04:17 PM

Nightmare Busters is an interesting case. It's cool they went back and finished it, but I dunno if I'd pay whatever they're asking for a rarity like that.

Tekken games were some of my favorite PlayStation games, even though I never owned them myself until now with PS4 (my older brother had them, while I stuck with Nintendo after he jumped ship post-SNES). I miss 3D fighters. 

I played SM3DW at a friend's with a few people and it was a good time, but nothing mind-blowing. Maybe if I had more time with it I'd understand the gushing. 

Interesting that Sonic 2 gave you the easiest out. For me, I beat 1 via laptop emulation a while back, but 2 and 3 gave me problems in the later stages. Did you get all the Master Emeralds?

Those DKC games look great. I love when a Texas developer does well. 

I know Casey loves EBA and it's also my favorite on DS of what I own. I couldn't tell you what best DS game of all time is, but I can tell you I S-ranked every level on every difficulty. I do not normally do that.

I'm curious to play a Game Gear some day, I got turned on to WayForward by way of Shantae: Risky's Revenge Director's Cut and want to play more (likely I'll get DuckTales Remastered at some point), and I loved Yoshi's Island as a kid.

Never heard of Shadow Dancer. I wanted to buy a Shinobi game for GBA at a local mom and pop, but I couldn't play it on my DS. It had something rattling inside the cartridge I was pretty sure was DRM equipment, so I returned it.

I don't know if I'd like NES Remix or not. I kinda want all those NES games to be remade in HD, at least the classics. lol

Carey has gushed about those Theaterythm games and I bet I'd like the music, but when I watch videos of it I think I'd get confused with the button-timing for those dynamic classical tunes. 

I really wish it were easier to get my hands on some Super Metroid goodness, since I don't own a Wii or Wii U. I did emulate the game on PC at one point and got stuck at wall climbing, but I don't emulate any more (I only did for a few months back in college to start with).

I'm gonna comment the latter half of your gaming year later, since my laptop's losing juice. Didn't say anything about Suikoden cause I'm unfamiliar with RPGs.

The Last Ninja

01/09/2016 at 11:17 AM

Thanks for taking time to comment, Joe. I didn't get all the chaos emeralds in Sonic 2 (I just try to beat the game, not the kind of person to get the extra stuff). 

Also, there is no button-pushing in the Theatrhythm games; it's all touch-based and very simple to do, so you should give it a try. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/10/2016 at 12:58 AM

Well I meant touch with stylus, just called it button-pushing. Same basic mechanics as EBA, right?

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/08/2016 at 10:23 PM

I never got the big deal about SMB3, but I wasn't around when it came out I guess. It's a good Mario game, just never wowed me like other people.

F-Zero X's cheese metal soundtrack make that game.

Minish Cap had the best final boss in any Zelda I've played. Actually challenging, unlike 3D Zelda bosses, but not unfair.

I dug Spider-Man as a kid and still like him. We need more quippy superheroes and less brooding ones. I liked that game too. 

Heard the Amazing SM games weren't so good, but I'd like a new one with the physics engine from SM2.

Disney made some good games back in 16-bit days.

Best thing about Pokemon Snap was those Blockbuster kiosks that printed your photos.

Blech. City is a distant third in the Arkham trilogy for me and I may like Origins more even, but it's cool that people like it. Story was decent, gameplay just didn't do it for me.

Never heard of Spin Master, but I like the aesthetic in Wooly World.

MP2 pissed me off with that light/dark world bubble mechanic. I think I'll just watch a LongPlay rather than play it again. It had so much going for it, but that just made the game unplayable for me.

Oh wow, still a CRT TV. The Game Room is awesome though and it looks clean. What other stuff has WayForward remade?

Hope your first week of New Year was great.

The Last Ninja

01/09/2016 at 11:24 AM

Thanks for all the commenting! I love the game room and try to keep it clean and organized. And indeed I'm using an old tube TV, but it works (plus it'll never go out). 

WayForward has done a lot of different franchises. They developed Contra 4 on DS (awesome and brutal game); they remade A Boy and his Blob for Wii; Double Dragon Neon (sort of a remake, but not really); and of course, Duck Tales Remastered. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

01/10/2016 at 12:59 AM

Oh, I bought Double Dragon Neon for 99 cents recently. Didn't know they made it. PLeasant surprise.


01/10/2016 at 11:22 PM

"2 is considered the worst of the trilogy, but it's still a good game"

It is? I've never seen any consensus on this other than it's not as good as 1. It has a higher aggregate score than 3.

The Last Ninja

01/11/2016 at 11:07 PM

Hm. I think 3 is regarded as better though, and I would say it's certainly a better game (using the Wii controls and the story and environments are better). 

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