Happy New Year Ashley. I made a resolution years ago that I wouldn't make any more resolutions. I never manage to see them through but if you can do it, all the more power to you. :)
Resolutions/Goals for 2016!
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![]() On 01/04/2016 at 06:16 PM by FAF101 ![]() See More From This User » |
Brand new year with lots of things I would LOVE to accomplish:
- Read 10 books
- Beat 10 games
- Finish up my game/movie/book lists
- Lose 20lbs (I would be happy with 10 as well)
- Start a workout routine
- Eat healthier
- Finally hang up my wall decorations
- Declutter
- Create to-do list for each day to help my routine
- Try to blog/review more items
- To continue to control my anxiety
I started to read my first book of the year with the goal of reading a chapter each night to get to the end. This is the easiest way I determined I could get through the book, and depending how it goes in a few days I could end up reading entire books over the weekend. I have so many books I want to read I never made time for them and I am now. I determined this will also help me with my resolution of decluttering, only keeping the books I want to read and donating the rest I do not want to keep and feel I will reread again.
Sort of similar to above I want to complete another 10 games this year. Last year I completed 11 games, which is actually a huge accomplishment for me considering I have a hard time getting through games. So I figure let me aim for 10 this time and see if I can get 15 off the backlog.
The first two then sort of lead into my lists I am creating. I have my list of games/movies/books pretty much completed except for the digital ones. Once I get to them it is a matter of typing them up and placing into my google drive so when I am out and about I’ll know what I own! I have already made the mistake of buying something twice and did not realize it till a few months later. It’s also a way to help me see what I have completed as well since I go through and highlight the name of what I read, watched, or played. I wanted to start a count of how many times I check them off my list as well since it can also help determine what I can get rid of down the road. Another form of decluttering and then marking it on my list that I have gotten rid of it just in case I go looking for it, which I have done this as well.
I started up a workout routine again, starting small then going to eventually go bigger. Right now I am doing Pilates on Daily Burn, its short sessions of 10 – 35 minutes and it does burn haha. But I wanted to start with something a little bit less intense and eventually I’ll go back to the routine I was doing before. This also leads into eating healthier; I want to start to try to cook a little bit more different dinners than what we usually have. Honestly our dinners can be pretty boring. My goal is to lose 20lbs, I’ll be happy with 10lbs if I don’t end up reaching 20lbs. Since Weight Watchers was getting a little bit too expensive for me, I found an app that pretty much is identical. It is an app you need to purchase for about $4 but you don’t have to purchase anything else for it. The points seemed to certainly work for me last time so I wanted to continue sticking with it instead of going to something free and counting calories (it gets a little too dangerous for me).
Then the rest is just other random tidbits that are easy to accomplish items. Since we moved our walls have been bare, so I told myself this month we are hanging up the wall decorations, tired of bare walls! Another way I am decluttering my life is I turned all the hangers my clothes are on the other way and whatever is in drawers or shoes I am putting what I have worn at the bottom to have it works its way back to the top. Whatever has not moved by December is going to be donated. I like to-do lists and I have been having a hard time creating a routine or sticking to things, so I found a nifty to-do list app called Wunderlist and it seems to be working so far in reminding me what I have to do for the day and then checking it off. Also it’s easy to just see and look what I have to do. Of course my typical try to blog and review more. Finally continuing to keep my anxiety in check; since I started therapy last year I have come a long way in controlling my anxiety. It’s not perfect and I still have times where my anxiety will beat me. So I am going to continue to work on it not beating me and to keep a positive outlook.
What are some of your goals/resolutions for 2016?