did you get stuck in Zestiria? I haven't played it for a while, but xmas got in the way. I've resolved to finish some games from last year, including Dragon Age, Zestiria, Arkham Knight, etc.
Rangergirl's 2015 in gaming
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![]() On 01/08/2016 at 11:47 AM by Ranger1 ![]() See More From This User » |
2015 was kind of a slow year for gaming for me. I hope to change that in 2016. Anyway, for what it's worth, here's what I played:
Xbox 360: It was the year of Batman for me. I played Arkham Asylum, Lego Batman, Lego Batman 2 and finished them, and started Arkham City and Lego Batman 3. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Arkham Asylum, and I'm proud to say I got all the Riddler Challenges on my own. One good thing about not having internet at home for a bit, no temptation to find a walkthrough when the going gets tough.
I also played 2/3 of Assassin's Creed (the first one). We all know what's wrong with the game, but I love the setting. Since there was so much wash, rinse, repeat repetitiveness to the missions, I broke it down into chunks and went on to something else when I started getting bored and/or annoyed. I really need to go back soon and finish, just to get it off Mt. Backlog and finish the story.
The Maw and Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga got finished after having sat uncompleted on Mt. Backlog for years. I got the dlc levels for The Maw, but I see why they got dropped from the finished game. I may not play them. I had to resort to a walkthrough for Lego Star Wars TCS to get me past the point I'd been stuck at for years. I still haven't 100 percent completed the game, but I think I may be done. Maybe.
Thanks to NSonic and his Octoberween blogs, I remembered that I still hadn't played Costume Quest 2. Bought and played through and had a blast with it. I do love me some Doublefine games!
Games With Gold brought me Terraria (couldn't get into it), Dungeon Siege III (like ok, what little I played), DiRT 3 (only an ok racing game), and a few others I haven't delved into to play.
PS3: LBP Karting, Red Dead Redemption, Tales of Xillia 2, Tales of Zestiria, and Zone of the Enders HD Edition got played, along with a lot of Zen Pinball and Pinball Arcade. None of these were completed, I'm sad to say. I did, however, play through The Unfinished Swan in the last days of December. Charming little game, until the dark stages in the last part. Those were annoying.
3DS: 2015 also saw my acquision of a 3DS, thanks to the generosity of a Pixlbit friend who shall remain anonymous unless he/she chooses to say otherwise. Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a love/hate relationship. I wish it ran less on real world time and more on time I have it open. That is my biggest complaint with the AC games. I played daily from July 1 to the beginning of November, and then felt I was obsessing too much over the game and took a very long break. Now my town is full of weeds, my house has cockroaches, and people are moving away (except the one I wish would leave. He stays just to annoy me, I think). Fantasy Life was the other biggie. I played the heck out of that game for quite a while, and then real world stuff intruded. I need to go back, I want to max out a bunch of my lives on there and finish the main story. I also bought Bravely Default, played it for several hours, and then got distracted. I don't remember anything from the story, so I might just as well restart the whole thing. Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins was a fun little title that I 100% completed and will be passing along to my nephew Sawyer, if he's still interested.
So I guess the final stats are: I played 24 (possibly more, but these are the ones I remember playing) games and finished eight. As for what I bought in 2015...I haven't the slightest clue off the top of my head, but it wasn't nearly as many as in the past.